A J. Walton Gunpowder, Treason And Plot

Saturday-Night Theatre: Gunpowder Treason and Plot Sat 1st Nov 1980, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM By A. J. Walton From the book 'Guy Fawkes - The True Story of the Gunpowder Plot' by Francis Edwards. Guy Fawkes is burnt in effigy every 5th of November to commemorate the deliverance of the King and Parliament from a dastardly Popish plot. But what if the legend is based on a deliberate plan to deceive the country and discredit the Catholics? What if Guy himself was a voluntary participant, only on condition that he would be reprieved on the scaffold? Directed by Margaret Etall Guy Fawkes: Michael Spice Thomas Wintour: Christopher Scott Robert Cecil: John Moffatt King James I: Fraser Kerr Sir William Waad: John Bott Christopher Wright: Alexander John Francis Tresham: Haydn Wood Walter Ralegh: Robert Lang Northumberland: Harvey Ashby Thomas Percy/Executioner: Gordon Reid Robin Catesby: Anthony Hyde Suffolk: Peter Robert Scott Worcester: Graham Faulkner Sir Edward Coke: Leslie Glazer Gaoler: Sion Probert Meg: Rowena Roberts Flemish Landlord: Chris Jenkinson Popham: John Church “Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.” WHO WERE THE PLOTTERS? Along with Fawkes and cousins Catesby and Wintour, the plotters included Wintour’s brother Robert, their brother-in-law John Grant, Catesby’s second cousin Francis Tresham, his servant Thomas Bates, Fawkes’ childhood classmates Christopher and John Wright, their brother-in-law Thomas Percy, Everard Digby, Ambrose Rookwood, and Robert Keyes. No one in the group knew much about gunpowder, apart from Fawkes, an explosives expert from his military days. Naturally he was chosen to set the fuse in the cellars underneath the Houses of Parliament.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.