Michael Robson Let It Come Down

Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 3rd Apr 1976, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM Let It Come Down. A play for radio by Michael Robson Because Alan Scott, key witness for the prosecution, is too conscientious, a murderer goes free and thereafter someone has it in for Scott. Who is that someone? Produced and directed by John Cardy Alan Scott: William Lucas Sue Crichton: Ros Drinkwater QC: Peter Woodthorpe Moira Scott: Margaret Robertson Daniel Hope: Roger Snowdon Frank Lawler: Haydn Jones Mrs Clayton: Jeanne Mockford Christine Lang: Deborah Paige David Bennett: Christopher Bidmead Restaurant manager: Leslie Heritage Det-Sgt Franklin: William Sleigh Ward sister: Eva Haddon Headmaster: Godfrey Kenton Tony Parrish: Anthony Smee Clennett: David Graham Det Chief Insp Durrant: Kevin Brennan Christine's father: Douglas L Blackwei Colonel Bradley: Garard Green Dr Adlard: Michael Shannon Announcer: Peter Craze
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.