Jack Gerson Shadows

Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 13th May 1978, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM Shadows A thriller for radio by Jack Gerson 'Ha wants to know if I can remember faces and names. They still surface, he tells me. Those survivors of the ss. They know about the Bormanns and the Mengeles but still there are others. Some of them Mendel believes are among us again today, in this city.' Directed by Stewart Conn BBC Scotland Bishop: James Cairncross Josef: Patrick Hannaway Inspector Hohne: Patrick Malahide Mendel: David Steuart Sara: Alison Gollings Benny: Gregor Fisher Siggy: John Shedden Minister: Clement Ashby Frau Bernstein: Katy Gardiner
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.