Nick McCarty The Rose Garden

Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 31st Jan 1976, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM The Rose Garden by Nick McCarty 'I don't refuse to tell the story because of what will happen to other people. Not entirely. Not so much as because of my fear of what will happen to me ... I retain my control but the balance is a delicate one ... We are all afraid. You of loneliness and youth and I ... I am afraid of what is in my head.' Producer Roger Pine BBC Birmingham Tony Parker: Nigel Anthony Jill: Heather Barrett George: Jack Holloway Bert: Alan Devereux Bouchard: William Eedle Lebrun: Brian Haines Father Joseph: Geoffrey Matthews Alan Bryant: Arnold Peters Mary Bryant: Eileen Barry Ella Bryant: Emily Richard
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.