Derek Kartun Marie And Marguerite

Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 19th May 1984, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM Marie and Marguerite by Derek Kartun In 1851 at the Vaudeville Theatre, Paris, Alexandre Dumas begins rehearsals for his latest play The Lady of the Camellias, based on his affair with Marie Duplessis, and so we get a fascinating study of how art may, or may not, mirror reality. Gordon Langford (fortepiano) Directed By: David Johnston Marie Duplessis: Emily Richard Alexandre: Simon Shepherd Madame Doche: Dumas The Younger: Frances Jeater Monsieur: Brett Usher Varville: Colin Starkey Nanine: Hilda Schroder Eugene Dejazet: William Hope Gustave: Jon Strickland Comte: De Mauriac/stage manager: Clive Panto Prudence: Jane Wenham Comte Debray: David Sinclair Monsieur de casse/auctionneer: Arnold Diamond Nichette/First woman: Helena Breck Clemence Prat: Narissa Knights Theophile Gautier: Nigel Graham Journalist: Henry Stamper Second woman: Moir Leslie
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.