Charity Blackstock Shadow Of Murder

SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE Sat 24th Apr 1965, 20:30 on BBC Home Service Basic Shadow of Murder adapted from her novel by Charity Blackstock Produced by Audrey Cameron Andrew Mallory, an anthropologist, is home from his work in the Pacific Islands. At a gathering he overhears the obscure language of the Islands; it's being used as a code. A young girl is killed for having heard it as well. He had no idea who had murdered Seraphina. Who could want to murder so young and pretty a little girl? Fifty refugee children's lives are at stake; is Emmi, the woman he's fallen for, one of the spies? Cast in order of Speaking: John Shawfield: David March Mrs Stewart: Rona Anderson Kate, her daughter: Gudrun Ure Taxi Driver: Arthur Lawrence Mrs Forbes: Molly Rankin Mr Curtis: Eric Anderson MacDonald: Fraser Kerr
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.