Andrew Garve The Golden Deed

SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE Sat 19th Nov 1960, 20:30 on BBC Home Service Basic The Golden Deed by Andrew Garve Dramatised by Eileen Cullen Produced by Cedric Messina The Mellanbys, gentle people, open their home to Frank Roscoe, a stranger who saves Sally- and her son- from drowning, but he becomes unaccountable, unpleasant, and demanding (7000 pounds), toward some acquaintances- the Sherstons- as well. After a fight with Mellanby, Roscoe, who seemed stunned- dies- and it is Sherston who insists on burying him. Mellanby, reluctant at first, is the later victim of the elaborate deceit and there are unexpected repercussions and reparations to follow.... An old hand, Garve has not lost his touch but keeps it fresh- graceful and surprising. [kirkusreview] Tony Mellanby: Glen Grant Sally Mellanby, his mother: Joan Matheson Kira: Daphne Jonason Frank Roscoe: William Eedle Landlord: Kenneth Dight John Mellanby: Peter Coke George Sherston: Ronald Baddiley Eve Sherston: June Tobin Charles Faulkner: Hugh Manning
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.