02 The Silent Scream

02 The Silent Scream 17 February 1979 SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE Earth prepares for an alien invasion. Tom Harris disappears into space but returns with new and astonishing powers. Put to good use, they will benefit humanity - but in the wrong hands they could have horrifying and nightmarish implications. Tom Harris - James Laurenson A P Smith - Donald Hewlett Sally Harris - Hannah Gordon Prime Minister - Colin Douglas Silkin - Peter Wickham Brian Forbes - Eric Allan Andy/Sam - Elizabeth Lindsey 1st Boy - Andrew Branch 1st Girl - Alison Draper 2nd Boy - Tim Bentinck 3rd Boy - Susan Sheridan Constable/Sergeant - Gregory De Polnay Alien Controller/Cabinet Minister - Manning Wilson Second Pilot/PC - Gregory De Polnay Cabinet Minister/Second Lieut - Philip Voss Gloria/Cabinet Minister - Brenda Kaye Opposition MP/Colonel - Peter Williams Taxi Driver/Villager - Philip Sully THE SCREAM TRILOGY Sci-fi thrillers by Wally K Daly The plays: 1 Before the Screaming Begins 2 The Silent Scream 3 With a Whimper to the Grave BBC RADIO 4 1978 - 1984 SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE Zero hour - and all over the world in every country at exactly the same moment a person is seen disappearing into a flying saucer! Ten days later, they are returned - but with new and frightening powers. Why were they taken away? Why have they returned? Directed by Martin Jenkins
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Not entirely satisfactory

There appears to be something not quite right with this recording. One of the actors' voices at the very beginning is strangely muted and only barely audible even with earphones.