Tarzan - The Diamond of Asher
Robert Farrell

This serial started on May 14, 1934, airing Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, consisting of 39 15-minute episodes. Tarzan was played by Carlton KaDell, the show was directed by Fred Shields and narrated by John McIntire. Although originally broadcast in 1934, the following introduction was penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs for the announcer to read introducing a 1940 broadcast of Tarzan And The Diamond of Asher. "We bring you Tarzan, that immortal fictional character of Edgar Rice Burroughs, in a new and exciting serial entitled TARZAN AND THE DIAMOND OF ASHER, which is adapted from the novel, 'Tarzan And The Forbidden City.' Deep in the heart of Africa rises a mighty cone-shaped mountain, an extinct volcano, in the huge crater of which lies The Forbidden City of Asher... To reach this stronghold two safaris endure hardships and perils that bring death to some and high adventure to all... One safari is bent on the rescue of the son of its leader... the other, headed by a wily and unscrupulous Oriental, seeks only the Father of Diamonds... And through the intrigue and mystery and the danger moves the majestic figure of Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle."
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
This screen name is not available.

Someone needs to repair the files in the playlist above. They fail to load in the beginning and sometimes right in the middle of an episode.