The History of Company A, Second Illinois Cavalry
Gelesen von Paul Hampton
Samuel H. Fletcherandd. H. Fletcher

The purpose of this sketch is to keep green the memory of that little band of men known as Company A, of the Second Illinois Cavalry, who fought in the Civil War. (From the Preface) (3 hr 28 min)
The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe

This is a cool historic history of a Union cavalry troop. However it depiction of events is extremely disturbing to today's enlightened world. First the Characters were all white. Apparently the Union hated black folks so much that they did not allow them to join the calvary. Secondly all the protagonists were male. No wonder it took the Union so long to beat the rebs. If General Grant, like General Mathis, had opened up the cavalry ranks to femxles and nongendered Latixs we would have beat the rebs in 2 days. You need to select the best soldiers to fight. If you are only selecting from cis gendered males, your army is only going to be half as good if it had nonbinary femxles in the ranks. Lastly president Lincoln was the head of the north at the time. Lincoln had notoriously bigoted views on BIPOCs. So In summary, we need to reimplimant slavery so we can refight the war, this time with nonbinary BIPOCs taking the lead. Anything the old white males accomplished must be discredited