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The Martian

Gelesen von Paul Harvey

(4,365 Sterne; 37 Bewertungen)

The water was evaporated by the ever-shining sun until there was none left for the thirsty plants. Every year more workers died in misery. A stranger from another world comes and experiences the attempts by two different cultures with different languages to understand what the other wants. Not all educated cultures are cordial or sympathetic to new arrivals. This book explores one potential outcome of the meeting of alien races.

- Summary by Paul Harvey (1 hr 19 min)


The Martian


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interesting point of view

(4,5 Sterne)

Good tale told from a different perspective, the series of events was point on. Thank you for your reading. Bruce G

Classic sci-fi but with a twist.

(3,5 Sterne)

A good sci-fi short story, read by a very good reader.

(5 Sterne)

Good read, sad story. I detest humans even more now.

jcob slow but good idea for the plot.

(4 Sterne)

A great story from a different viewpoint

(5 Sterne)