Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual
Gelesen von Kazbek
F. Matthias Alexander

F. Matthias Alexander was an Australian actor, author and educator, who is best known as the inventor of Alexander Technique, a method for "unlearning" acquired habits of movement and posture that are harmful or suboptimal, and allowing natural, healthy patterns of body use to emerge in their place. Alexander Technique is now taught by specially trained instructors through in-person lessons around the world, and is particularly popular among musicians and other performance artists. In this 1923 book, considered by many to be his best, Alexander explains the principles of his technique and the theory behind it. It includes an introduction by the American philosopher and educator John Dewey, who studied the technique with Alexander. (Summary by Kazbek) (9 hr 34 min)
Part II. Sensory Appreciation in its Relation to Learning to Do. Chapter I. Edu…
Read by Kazbek
Part II. Chapter VI. Unduly Excited Fear Reflexes, Uncontrolled Emotions, Fixed…
Read by Kazbek
Part III. Sensory Appreciation in its Relation to Man's Needs. Chapter I. "Know…
Read by Kazbek
Part III. Chapter V. Complexity and Complications in Relation to Stress and Str…
Read by Kazbek
Alexander Technique Revisites
Christopher Hanson

This text is presented with an excellent audio reader who carries forth the meaning of the text. I enjoyed listening to each chapter and section over the course of about 4 months. an excellent meditation on how to construct and re educate myself. As a teacher, I am challenged to re-evaluate my methods and goals with students.
Thank you for creating this recording. immensely helpful to hear the words spok…
Angela Organ