The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings
Gelesen von J. M. Smallheer
L. T. Meade

"THAT a secret society, based upon the lines of similar institutions so notorious on the Continent during the last century, could ever have existed in the London of our day may seem impossible. Such a society, however, not only did exist, but through the instrumentality of a woman of unparalleled capacity and genius, obtained a firm footing. A century ago the Brotherhood of the Seven Kings was a name hardly whispered without horror and fear in Italy, and now, by the fascinations and influence of one woman, it began to accomplish fresh deeds of unparalleled daring and subtlety in London. By the wide extent of its scientific resources, and the impregnable secrecy of its organisations, it threatened to become a formidable menace to society, as well as a source of serious anxiety to the authorities of the law." (excerpt from The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings) (7 hr 50 min)

Some very evil deeds considering the time period. A female Illuminati, Mafioso, Moriarty, Jim Jones VILLAIN, child victim, and chemical warfare, etc, etc... Controversial by even today's standards. I would classify this as horror/thriller genre. Perfect. I'm a huge fan of both. Written by a woman who wrote for women. This may be why the male hero is a LITTLE Simple Simon. "Wounding the bad guy instead of taking him out" scenarios. Only Simple Simon is not a fetching young woman who's sprained her ankle. Again, bucking the system. Lol. Beautifully read as well by Ms. Smallheer who is probably my Librivox favorite. Only one question-- why were francs requested as payment at Vesuvius? ;)
Seven kings

great book but the ending was kind of dull

Very interesting story and well narrated.
Great fast paced story. Five star presentation!

This listener thoroughly enjoyed this tale. It seemed like it was most likely a serial, as each chapter was a story in it own right. Very modern in regards that the arch-nemesis of the main character was a beautiful woman who's cunning evil allowed her to fool many of those in the high society of late 19th century London. A fast paced chase, follows the wreckage and death she leave in her wake, as she uses the well-to-do as pawns, in her devious plans to acquire wealth and power. The naivete of turn of the nineteenth century is apparent by the main character's "ability" to read a person's face and determine if they are telling the truth or not, and the poisoning of a character with electricity. Though this does remind one of when the USSR was blasting a US Consulate with microwave energy during the Cold War... Refreshing was remembering back to times when a person's word actually meant something! Quaint were the modes of transportation, the train, the Brougham and the Hansom cab. I'm sure this isn't for everyone (I'm 55), but for those of us with a little "snow on the roof" and fans of authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I think you might enjoy this fast moving tale, too! Ms Smallheer gets 5 stars for an awesome job of her presentation!!!
Madame's Head...
Michelle S

Was cryogenicly frozen, enabling her return, in another time and place, when the innocents of the world least expected such a diabolical puppet master. Under another name, Madame has enjoyed a long politcal career very much in the public eye. Although her recent quest for world domination was foiled, plans are in motion, if behind the scenes, no doubt. Drawing immortality from an esoteric pants suit woven from fiber made of vivsectioned kittens from the UCLA labs, Madame and the brotherhood grew the credit industry, gmos, and walmart while destroying music classes for public school children, defunded the arts, destabilized the economy, and stripped nations of livleyhood, to enrich the brotherhood. Meanwhile, society fell deeper into mental and economic slavery. Isnt fiction great?
Fairly Light, Yet Interesting
Elf Brown

Not overly dark and heavy, so good to listen to, at any time. interesting enough to keep me curious as to what is coming next. I am finding this author's books quite enjoyable. They are not genius, deep, or life-altering, but they are engaging enough to be entertaining. The reader does a very good job.

I am glad I read the previous books that featured the characters and now followed the exploits to the final chapter, unless a devious demon again escaped. Thanks to a gifted reader.

Superb reader. Not as satisfying a story as other books by these authors as the hero is no match for the villain. It's unclear if good triumphs over evil.