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The Art of Conversation: Twelve Golden Rules

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(4,333 Sterne; 30 Bewertungen)

Many of us find it challenging to speak to other people, for various reasons. Some of us are afraid of being called a bore. Others are worried that we will be accused of hogging attention. Many of us simply don't know what to talk about. This book is an entertaining and enlightening manual that may be able to help. Through a series of twelve dialogues between a man and a woman, we are introduced to twelve "golden rules" that will help us navigate the waters of interpersonal communication.

(Summary by Devorah Allen)

He: Read by KevinS

She: Read by Devorah Allen (1 hr 5 min)


Golden Rule Number 1: Avoid unnecessary details.


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 2: Do not ask question number two until number one has been …


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 3: Do not interrupt another while he is speaking.


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 4: Do not contradict another, especially when the subject un…


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 5: Do not do all the talking; give your tired listener a cha…


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 6: Be not continually the hero of your own story; and, on th…


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 7: Choose subjects of mutual interest.


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 8: Be a good listener.


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 9: Make your speech in harmony with your surroundings.


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 10: Do not exaggerate.


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 11: Indulge occasionally in a relevant quotation, but do not…


Read by Devorah Allen

Golden Rule Number 12: Cultivate tact.


Read by Devorah Allen