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Love for Love

Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers

(3,875 Sterne; 4 Bewertungen)

"We have such a gallery, if not of great characters, at any rate of strongly-marked acting parts, as could not but ensure the success of the play... The plot was clear and simple, the action coherent and continuous, there is nothing to surprise us in the instantaneous triumph of Love for Love." - Summary by William Archer, editor, 1912

Cast list:
Sir Sampson Legend, father to Valentine and Ben: Adrian Stephens
Valentine, fallen under his father’s displeasure by his expensive way of living, in love with Angelica: Tommy Hersant
Scandal, his friend, a free speaker: Andrew James
Tattle, a half-witted beau, vain of his amours, yet valuing himself for secrecy: Son of the Exiles
Ben, Sir Sampson’s younger son, half home-bred and half sea-bred, designed to marry Miss Prue: Tomas Peter
Foresight, an illiterate old fellow, peevish and positive, superstitious, and pretending to understand astrology, palmistry, physiognomy, omens, dreams, etc.; uncle to Angelica: ToddHW
Jeremy, servant to Valentine: Alan Mapstone
Trapland, a scrivener: Greg Giordano
Buckram, a lawyer: Greg Giordano
Angelica, niece to Foresight, of a considerable fortune in her own hands: Sonia
Mrs. Foresight, second wife to Foresight: mleigh
Mrs. Frail, sister to Mrs. Foresight, a woman of the town: WendyKatzHiller
Miss Prue, daughter to Foresight by a former wife, a silly, awkward country girl: Jenn Broda
Nurse to Miss Prue: Kathi M. Walsheck
Jenny, maid to Angelica: Kelly S. Taylor
Officer: Wayne Cooke
Servant: Wayne Cooke
Stage Directions: MichaelMaggs
Editing: ToddHW (3 hr 59 min)


Act 1


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Act 2


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Act 3


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Act 4


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Act 5


Read by LibriVox Volunteers


(2 Sterne)

It only takes one bad reader to spoil a play. I couldn't listen to it.

love for love is my love

(3,5 Sterne)