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A Matter of Importance

Gelesen von Phil Chenevert

(4,562 Sterne; 81 Bewertungen)

The importance of a matter is almost entirely a matter of your attitude. And whether you call something "a riot" or "a war" ... well, there is a difference, but what is it? Someone steals a space ship? The local police know how to handle that. A broken down freighter in a far distant solar system? That's their normal job too. A bunch of idiots want to start a war? Just another days' work for the boys in blue. The twisted mind of Murray Leinster takes on an Earth empire of thousands of planets and that has moved beyond armies or navies. No need for 'em any more when you have an experienced police force, eh? They've seen it all and everything is routine to the guys and gals of the Empire Police. - Summary by Phil Chenevert (1 hr 38 min)


Part 1


Read by Phil Chenevert

Part 2


Read by Phil Chenevert

Part 3


Read by Phil Chenevert

Part 4


Read by Phil Chenevert


(5 Sterne)

A little humor, some applied psychology together with a bit of tongue-in-cheek and you have a recipe for a very enjoyable story‼️

A light tale

(4 Sterne)

A light and pleasant tale that could be set in any time period reflecting the character of men.

Great to sleep to

(5 Sterne)

Good story

(4 Sterne)

Good short story, funny and interesting.

interesting, fun and very well read.

(4 Sterne)