A Study of British Genius
Gelesen von Leon Harvey
Havelock Ellis

The psychological and anthropological character of genius in the British Isles was investigated by Ellis. Citing and collating an extensive source of information from the Dictionary of National Biography, many pieces of informational are discussed, including the ancestral heritage, geographical distribution, professions, and health and morbidity of the most the most preeminent men and women of the time. This work also promotes his theory that large cities are not only counterproductive to the development of high achievers, but detrimental to national health. (Summary by Leon Harvey) (4 hr 56 min)
I-INTRODUCTORY. Problem to be investigated The method of investigation, The Dic…
Read by Leon Harvey
II-NATIONALITY AND RACE. The determination of place of origin, Birthplaces of g…
Read by Leon Harvey
III-SOCIAL CLASS. Status of parents of British men of genius, Upper class Yeome…
Read by Leon Harvey
IV-HEREDITY AND PARENTAGE. The tendency to heredity in intellectual ability, In…
Read by Leon Harvey
V-CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH. The frequency of constitutional delicacy in infancy and …
Read by Leon Harvey
VI-MARRIAGE AND FAMILY.Celibacy Average age at marriage, Tendency to marry late…
Read by Leon Harvey
VII-DURATION OF LIFE. The fallacy involved in estimating the longevity of emine…
Read by Leon Harvey
VIII-PATHOLOGY. Relative ill-health, Consumption, The psychology of consumption…
Read by Leon Harvey
IX-STATURE. Nature of the data Tendency of British men of ability to vary from …
Read by Leon Harvey
X-PIGMENTATION. Hair and eye-colour Method of classification Sources of data, T…
Read by Leon Harvey
XI-OTHER CHARACTERISTICS. Personal beauty or the reverse, The eyes Shyness and …
Read by Leon Harvey
XII-CONCLUSIONS. The characteristics of men of genius probably to a large exten…
Read by Leon Harvey
Another winner from H Ellis.
Cliff Pinchon

The author was an extraordinary intellectual who took on a very wide range of subjects, though he's best remembered as a pioneer in the study of human sexuality. The present book is dry at times with an excess of statistics, but nevertheless very interesting overall. The reader deserves credit for taking on several such obscure works as this one, but tends to mumble. 😕