The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters
Gelesen von Allyson Hester
Logan Marshall

This is a detailed and accurate account of the most awful marine disaster in history, constructed from the real facts as obtained from those on board who survived ( (7 hr 51 min)
A top job Allyson.
Greg Paterson

Allyson Hester does a more than competent job with this interesting but aged text. As an Australian I had some difficulty at first with her strong Southern accent. However, this soon became immaterial as the book proceeded. A top job!
A good nmatch of reader and book

Ms. Hester’s constant joie de vivre and total self-confidence, flowing as though from an untroubled life, superbly match the assumed intent of the editor, Logan Marshall, and presumably that of his readers in 1912. She thereby presents this piece in its original form and spirit, which is good for the listeners in an historical sense, though certainly not an attitude that would pass unquestioned in modern times, a hundred years hence. It is that contrast that most attracts me to this book. The piece begins with a recitation of Christian virtues, one assumes socially-compulsory in those times, and continues with confident references to hymns and prayers to God and the assertion that everyone aboard exhibited the “utmost heroism”. In addition, we have the unquestioning, unexamined, reference to concepts such as a “noble death”, the exhortation to “die as a man for manhood’s sake” (on pain of immediate execution by “bullet”), the supposed ethical rule of “women and children first” etc. More than as a factual history, I appreciate this piece for its presentation of the ethics and expectations of a century ago, in contrast (?) to our own era. All but the final three sections are specifically of the Titanic. The “and sea disaster” portion begins at section 17, which do not contain any “other sea disasters” but rather discuss current technology and propose new procedures at sea. Few ships names and nautical terms are used, so Ms. Hester’s unfamiliarity in that area do not detract from the overall appreciation of the piece.
interesting multiple POVs

the reader does a nice job, thanks for volunteering. the book first runs through the entire story of launch, accident, saving, and landing at port. then it goes back through giving statements of individuals telling events from their point of view. i find all titanic movies, documentaries, and books SO moving and heart wrenching. it just makes you wish you had time traveling abilities. one thing i hate in this writer is the statement that all were equals in the lifeboats and there was no distinction of class. we know this to be false and were know the terrors of those in lower decks who were prevented from coming up. the disaster of the titanic had many faults and if so many things had been done differently then far fewers lives would have been lost. this book does a good job of searching through accounts to point out all the things that could have been done differently to prevent the disaster.
All Hands On Deck For This Audiobook

This is a must hear! On April 14 & 15 or any day of the year. This is a lesson in human "pig-headedness" against Mother Nature--and you know who can win almost every time. Lose yourself in this reading and travel back to that very day,the exact moment. I am glad I am in my cozy bed and not in the water. Kudos to the reader and the compiler of the data. Amazing!!
An interesting examination of gender roles
Timothy Ferguson

Other reviewers have pointed this out, but the thing I found fascinating about the book is the way that men are trapped in the role of those who must die, and women are trapped in a role of such utter passivity that they are considered heroic if they lift a finger to row the lifeboats.
Helen Hebert

Very entertaining with only a few reader-volunteer rough spots. The most comical has to be Google-y Elmo Mar-kaw-nee for Guglielmo Marconi.
Very good!

Knew a lot about the Titanic but this tells some new and interesting stories.
Sandra A.

The tone of the narrator was inconsistent with the content.