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George MacDonald

An unscrupulous baronet is left a widower and couldn't care less what happens to his ugly newborn heir. But when an icy stepmother moves in and the child is stolen away by his loving nurse, what can unfold but a riveting account of the years of mystery, drama, love and lessons for which MacDonald's writings are known. (Sequel to Thomas Wingfold, Curate and "Paul Faber, Surgeon") - Summary by HannahMary (17 hr 8 min)

Wrong theology? No. A beautiful story with theology of rare purity and clarity of vision.
Deborah McClain Swanson

It seems every time I read or listen to a book by this Author, I say in awe and amazement, this, this, is my favorite! And so yet once again as I tearfully and regretfully come to the end of this book, I say again, “This, this is my favorite one of George MacDonalds books.” So many times during my listening I stopped to write down and file away for further meditating on. Subjects like books was an entirely new consideration… that they are living breathing friends.. I was awes & humbled many times and stopped to chat with my Heavenly Father. I thanked Him time after time for blessing our world with such a beautiful storyteller, who had the ability to make me deepen my desire and awareness & rededicate my heart to The Most High, Elohim! Why this is not given 5 stars is due to the narrators. Oh how I wish only one enjoyable experienced narrator would have read the entire book. So I leave this book w a hunger to draw near to God and bless Him and serve with His heart!
Truth loved
Lee-Anne Todd

as with all George McDonald stories both adult and children's and for all the genres he writes in, he continues to encourage us to thought and belief in our loving Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ our saviour Who is The True way to life and relationship both here and the hereafter.

Truly a work of MacDonald with plenty of his wrong theology and lengthy thought processes, but I very much was delighted by the honorable characters and encouraged by the redemptive story. Will listen again!
Janis Burgess

Many of the readers were very good and added life to the story
Jae elless

listen to it again and it is still a marvelous book
ross palermo

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Steven Harrison

a relief from everyday dreary stories and common forms