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The Black Cat Vol. 01 No. 01 October 1895

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(4,475 Sterne; 20 Bewertungen)

The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Many writers were largely unknown, but some famous authors also wrote original material for this magazine.
This is the very first issue, offering the following 7 stories:
"In gold time", by Roberta Littlehale: in wild-west days, when two rivals love the same woman, tragedy ensues
"The unturned trump", by Barnes MacGreggor, pseudonym of H. D. Umbstaetter (1851-1913): to while away the time, a simple card game gets spiced up by a traveller's horrifying story
"The secret of the white castle", by Julia Magruder (1854-1907): what is the mystery behind the uncanny life-like stare of the portrait hanging on the wall ?
"Miss Wood,--stenographer", by Granville Sharpe: a young stenographer is called in to witness a deaf-mute's final revelations on his death-bed
"Her hoodoo", by Harold Kinsabby, pseudonym of H. D. Umbstaetter (1851-1913): a pet-calf, even if brought up with love and care, may still turn wild and dangerous
"In a tiger trap", by Charles Edward Barns (1862-1937): a breath-taking encounter of a young girl with the king of the jungle
"The red-hot dollar", by H. D. Umbstaetter (1851-1913): find out why a seemingly ordinary silver dollar sets a newly-married man on a quest to find the original owner
- Summary by Sonia (2 hr 0 min)


In gold time, by Roberta Littlehale


Read by Jim Gallagher

The unturned trump, by Barnes MacGreggor


Read by ToddHW

The secret of the white castle, by Julia Magruder


Read by Nemo

Miss Wood,--stenographer, by Granville Sharpe


Read by Julie Burks

Her hoodoo, by Harold Kinsabby


Read by Hulda Heath

In a tiger trap, by Charles Edward Barns


Read by JayS

The red-hot dollar, by H. D. Umbstaetter


Read by NarratorJ


fabulous stories

(5 Sterne)

Well-written stories, well read. I plan to read the rest of the Black Cat volumes of stories because this volume was excellent.

(5 Sterne)

This is such a great general fiction magazine, I'm really loving the mix of genres.