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Greener Than You Think

Gelesen von Lee Elliott

(4,304 Sterne; 46 Bewertungen)

Do remember reading a panic-mongering news story a while back about genetically engineered “Frankengrass” “escaping” from the golf course where it had been planted? That news story was foreshadowed decades previously in the form of prophetic fiction wherein a pushy salesman, a cash-strapped scientist, and a clump of crabgrass accidentally merge forces with apocalyptic consequences. A triple-genre combo of science fiction, horror, and satire, Greener Than You Think is a forgotten classic that resonates beautifully with modern times. This is a faithful reading of a 1947 first edition text. (Summary by Lee Elliot) (14 hr 8 min)


Chapter 1, Part A


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 1, Part B


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 1, Part C


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 1, Part D


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 1, Part E


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 1, Part F


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 1, Part G


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part A


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part B


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part C


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part D


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part E


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part F


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 2, Part G


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part A


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part B


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part C


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part D


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part E


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part F


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part G


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 3, Part H


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part A


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part B


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part C


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part D


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part E


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part F


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part G


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part H


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part I


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part J


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 4, Part K


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part A


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part B


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part C


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part D


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part E


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part F


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part G


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 5, Part H


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 6, Part A


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 6, Part B


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 6, Part C


Read by Lee Elliott

Chapter 6, Part D


Read by Lee Elliott


Greener Than You Think

(5 Sterne)

This book kept me laughing so much. the characters are fantastic. the dialogue is superb. it's so well written and well narrated, I did not want it to end. the lightness and humour of the narrative disguises the seriousness of the work. Cleverly written and brilliantly narrated I would strongly recommend this book.

(2 Sterne)

way................ too long. Drags on and on and...............on.

Long Book. Very Long.

(2 Sterne)

The story is interesting to a point, but gets lost on a bunch of digressions. Like a war with the USSR. I don't know how many pages this book is, but it must be a couple of thousand. I've been listing to it for days and days and I'm only on chapter 4. Seriously, this is like a Tom Clancy book after they stopped editing him. If the author had been roped in a bit, it could have made for a very interesting story but it just goes on and on. I find myself not really caring where it ends. The narrator has done a very nice job with the reading (I don't know how she stuck with it) and she speaks very clearly (thank you Lee!). The only thing I noticed that surprised me was that all of her character voices are Southern. Not a biggie in an otherwise very nice narration job.

Perfect audio book

(5 Sterne)

great audio book to listen to while multi tasking. upbeat narrator works for the book and the idea with characters makes it all interesting. would never want to read it, but as an audio book I have listened to it many times. the only negative I have is I haven't found another book on Librivox that is as entertaining and I found Greener when I first loaded Librivox.

Tough Call...

(3 Sterne)

I didn't like this book, but not because anything was wrong with it, but because it didn't end the way I wanted it to end. I am not a big fan of being left hanging, although I realize that is part of the scariness of the story. The reader was excellent, and I have no issues with the continuity, it is just not my type of story.


(2 Sterne)

A painfully long-winded, tangent ridden story. A silly premise combined with unrealistic and unmemorable characters along with many pointless story arcs, makes for a 250 page novel that feels like 1000 and could have easily been condensed into a 25 page short story without any appreciable loss. The book feels more like a deliberate experiment in padding rather than an actual novel.


(5 Sterne)

this is my all time favorite audiobook. I have listened to dozens. the narrator is the best. the length of the book is great (I love long books). it is funny. there narrator makes it even funnier. i am in my third listen. (over a period of 10 years or so...)


(5 Sterne)

this is my all time favorite audiobook. I have listened to dozens. the narrator is the best. the length of the book is great (I love long books). it is funny. there narrator makes it even funnier. i am in my third listen. (over a period of 10 years or so...)