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Man and His Ancestor: A Study in Evolution

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(4,6 Sterne; 5 Bewertungen)

An examination of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and subsequent texts, written for the general public at the turn of the twentieth century, "[...] to dwell on the various significant facts that have been discovered since Darwin's time, and to offer certain lines of evidence never before presented in this connection and which seem to add much strength to the general argument.[...]" (Preface) - Summary by Kathleen Nelson (6 hr 36 min)




Read by Kathleen Nelson

Evolution Versus Creation


Read by Kathleen Nelson

Vestiges of Man's Ancestry


Read by Kathleen Nelson

Relics of Ancient Man


Read by Kathleen Nelson

From Quadruped to Biped


Read by Kathleen Nelson

The Freedom of the Arms


Read by Kathleen Nelson

The Development of Intelligence


Read by Luke Dixey

The Origin of Language


Read by tommack

How the Chasm Was Bridged


Read by Rita Boutros

The First Stage of Human Evolution


Read by tommack

The Conflict with Nature


Read by Rita Boutros

Warfare and Civilization


Read by tommack

The Evolution of Morality


Read by Rita Boutros

Man's Relation to the Spiritual


Read by Rita Boutros


nitrous ammonia and nitro bacter this is long and needs more

(5 Sterne)

I am trying to restore the world to perfect health of every living thing I think I have completed the how to get the job done it takes all humans to take part must be taught in schools globally ,two bacteria that grow only in the dark and only on calcium,can get the bacteria ores from the ocean,oyster shell,coral both have the spores. calcium ,gypsum and lime are both calcium til one fourth inch into soil add crushed coral or oyster shells and till bacteria will grow and clean the soil plants will grow with no water after several years may need one fourth more gypsum second year bacteria need warmth they eat nitrogen the nucleus of ammonia that kills the roots so they can not get deep where water is retained and that water when cleaned will be usable by plants and mother nature will provide that we just need to get it biologicaly cleaned mother nature will take care of the rest. cleans the refrigerant from the atmosphere presto perfect health for every living