The Book of This and That
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Robert Lynd
From the pen of the Irish poet and essayist, Robert Lynd, comes a collection of humorous and satirical essays on topics as wide ranging as stupidity, Christmas, spring fashions, and the beauty of statistics. - Summary by Larry Wilson (5 hr 45 min)
We Have Opinions!
This curmudgeonly book is entertaining, but sometimes puzzling. The references to 100-year-old scandals, the shock still reverberating over the dangers of walzing, and the outdated (but possibly unconscious) attitude toward "class" have little to do with the 21st century. But there are a couple of essays that are spot on still: Waste and Statistics. If he thought waste was dreadful around the end of the 19th century... And we are, of course, inundated in Statistics, and every PhD candidate churns up more! All the narration is good, with no technical issues.