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Comic History of England

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(4,035 Sterne; 43 Bewertungen)

Edgar Wilson “Bill” Nye (1850 – 1896) was a distinguished American journalist, who later became widely known as a humorist. Jim “jimmowatt” Mowatt is a distinguished LibriVox volunteer, widely known for his continued devotion both to regularly producing the LibriVox Community Podcast and to regularly creating more and more history audiobooks for the public domain, renowned for his humor and his historically kind demeanor, lately recognized as holding a diploma as well as a mic. In light of that new holding, in celebration of graduation, this bit of history has been recorded with Jim in mind, owing to all that we owe him, glowing with glee that we know him, it’s what we’ve done just to show him that he’s a jolly good fellow. (Summary by Anita and Alan)
(2 hr 53 min)




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The Various Roman Yokes: Their Growth, Degeneration, and Final Elimination


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The Influx of the Danes: Facts Showing Conclusively Their Influence on the Brit…


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The Troublous Middle Ages: Demonstrating a Short Reign for Those Who Travel at …


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The Danish Oligarchy: Disaffections Attending Chronic Usurpation Proclivities


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Other Disagreeable Claimants: Foreign Foibles Introduced, Only to be Expunged w…


Read by Gesine

The Norman Conquest: Complex Commingling of Facetious Accord and Implaccable Di…


Read by Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014)

The Feudal System: Successful Inauguration of Homogeneal Methods for Restrictin…


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The Age of Chivalry: Light Dissertation on the Knights-Errant, Maids, Fools, Pr…


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Conquest of Ireland: Uncomfortable Effects Following the Cultivation of an Acqu…


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Magna Charta Introduced: Slight Difficulties Encountered in Overcoming an Unpop…


Read by Hugh McGuire

Further Disagreements Recorded: Illustrating the Amiability of the Jew and the …


Read by Rainer

Irritability of the French: Interminable Dissension, Assisted by the Plague, Co…


Read by Esther

More Sanguinary Triumphs: Onward March of Civilization Graphically Delineated w…


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Unpleasant Caprices of Royalty: Introduction of Printing as a Subsidiary Aid in…


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Biography of Richard III: Being an Allegorical Panegyric of the Incontrovertibl…


Read by Kristin Hughes (1974-2021)

Disorder Still the Popular Fad: General Admixture of Pretenders, Religion, Poli…


Read by Gesine


Fell a little flat.

(3 Sterne)

I think the book would have been better if it only had one reader. All the readers did very well individually but it was difficult switching to a different reader every chapter. Especially with some chapters only lasting 5 to 10 minutes. Bill Bryson is the closest author I can think of comparing two for the humor. Some tongue and cheek some dry and so forth. unfortunately he perished before the book was completed and I think it would have ended up better obviously if he had been able to finish it and edit it properly.

Well, this review sucks

(4 Sterne)

The only reason I even clicked on this audiobook was "Bill Nye." And, to a answer your question, there are no science guys at all in this. Except for, like, scientists. But you know what I'm trying to say here! I agree with @Guy, Bill Bryson is essentially a modern age Bill Nye (no, not that one). Historical comedy is quite a fun genre, and I would recommend searching for more books like this.

Humorously Entertaining

(3 Sterne)

Having enjoyed another audio book by Bill Nye titled A Comic History of the United States I searched for others by Bill and found this one. The subject was very well written, however some of the readers were very hard to understand. That being said, two of them were quite entertaining when they got tickled with what they were reading and laughed out loud.

Rather boring narrative and terrible readers

(2 Sterne)

Good dry English humour but the narrative gets boring and most readers are terrible: monotonous reading and some of them have noise and laughter in the background or break into laughter themselves.

humorous, though tedious

(3 Sterne)

A very dry wit is embed throughout a very detailed and tedious history. Fun, but you have to be awake to laugh and not much time is spent on the punchlines.

Well, I liked it, but you really need to know history to get the jokes.

(4 Sterne)

A series of quick in-jokes for history buffs.


(4 Sterne)

Very funny especially if you appreciate dry humor.