King Alfred of England
Gelesen von Ryan Cherrick
Jacob Abbott

The life and accomplishments of England's sole title holder of "The Great." King Alfred defended England from Viking invasions and ushered in an era of learning and progress for the British Isles. Summary by Ryan Cherrick. (5 hr 1 min)
Abbott's Histories Are Fantastic!
Paul Masters

I love Jacob Abbot's histories. They're told in a beautiful way and aren't infected with our day's politically correct garbage. This book is a fine example.
Great book

I rally do love this book. Certainly, its style and direct manner of narration. The reading is a tiny little too Quick, but overall good.

The book itself was the hardest of Abbotts to follow for me so far. But I do enjoy history. Thank you to the reader.
A great story

truly a remarkable story. Alfred is such a notable figure in not only the story of England, but the whole world

well read- great narrator. wonderful historical series. highly recommend all the makers of history Jacob Abbot books.

It's good and all, just a bit hard to follow.
Supremacist and racist a little bit

Decent story, and comments, with good background to Alfred's life. Incorrect about Egyptians being Caucasians and racist in saying the Caucasians are better. I am Caucasian, but I think the faith of a people determines their culture and faculties not genes. All are sinners in need of God's Grace...