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Louis Pasteur

Gelesen von Pamela Nagami

(4,269 Sterne; 13 Bewertungen)

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) famously said, "In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind." Pasteur brought to the study of chemistry, microbiology, and applied immunology, a mind open, innovative, and insightful. Born of peasant stock in the French Jura, he worked with dogged determination all his life and often in the face of strenuous opposition. Through an unbroken succession of rigorously designed and meticulously performed experiments, Pasteur developed veterinary vaccines and halted grievous losses in the French wine, silk, and dairy industries. He provided the crucial experimental support for the germ theory of disease which enabled Joseph Lister and others to prevent infections in surgical patients and in new mothers. During the development of the vaccine against rabies, Pasteur and his colleagues often risked their own lives, but they delivered humankind from the terror of this agonizing and almost always fatal illness. (Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (4 hr 22 min)


Ch. 1: A Studious Boyhood


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 2: A Laborious and Enthusiastic Youth, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 2: A Laborious and Enthusiastic Youth, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 3: On the Road to Fame, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 3: On the Road to Fame, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 4: For the National Wealth, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 4: For the National Wealth, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 5: The Spirit of Patriotism


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 6: The Curative Poison


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 7: The Sovereignty of Genius, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 7: The Sovereignty of Genius, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 8: Hydrophobia


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 9: The Pasteur Institute


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 10: The Supreme Homage


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 11: The Last Days of a Great Man


Read by Pamela Nagami


A fantastic example of...

(2 Sterne)

Misinformed propaganda! They didn't use his process on milk till after he died. Milk wouldnt need to be pasteurized if farming hadnt been regulated by government funded crime groups who intimidate businesses for protection, like mobs do (the FDA?). Cause pasteurization kills viruses, thats why we do it, so dont drink raw milk. Oh but like, pasteurized milk can also get you sick, ahh forget it! Just kill every animal. #warOnProtein


(0,5 Sterne)

This is such bull. Where is the real story? The reader was fine.