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History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 1

Gelesen von Christopher Smith

(4,923 Sterne; 39 Bewertungen)

The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, by Jean-Henri Merle d’Aubigné, is a classic work on the great events that re-opened the Christian gospel to a needy world. It tells of how the twenty-year-old Martin Luther, browsing through books in the library at the University of Erfurt, takes down from the shelf a particular volume that has caught his interest. He has never seen anything like it. It is a Bible! He is astonished to find in this volume so much more than the fragments of gospels and epistles that were selected for public reading in churches. He had believed that these constituted all there was of the word of God. But here he has discovered, in its entirety, the inspired book from which they came. And it was this discovery, in a dusty university library, that changed the course of history.

D’Aubigné tells the story of outstanding people who had a love for God and his word, and who dared to present biblical truths which had been obscured for centuries. The book has helped and encouraged Christians through difficult times, and given them an understanding of the background from which our freedom in the faith has come.

The author was a Swiss Protestant pastor. He was also a historian with a great understanding of the Bible, along with a broad and deep knowledge of the Reformation. This great work of his is made up of five volumes. Volume 1, the subject of this recording, comprises four books: Book 1 – State of Matters before the Reformation; Book 2 – Youth, Conversion, and First Labours of Luther (1483-1517); Book 3 – The Indulgences and Theses; Book 4 – Luther before the Legate (May-December 1518). (15 hr 38 min)


Preface to the Last Edition


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: State of Matters before the Reformation: Chapter 1: Christianity—Format…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 2: Grace and Works—Pelagianism—Penances—Indulgences—Supererogat…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 3: Relics—Easter Merriment—Corruption of the Clergy—A Priest's …


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 4: Christianity Imperishable—Opposition to Rome—Frederick the W…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 5: The Empire—National Character—Switzerland—Italy—Spain—Portug…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 6: State of Theology—Witnesses for the Truth—The Vaudois—Wickli…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 7: Literature—Dante—Printing—Reuchlin—His Struggle with the Dom…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 8: Erasmus—His Genius—His 'Praise of Folly'—His Greek Testament…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 1: Chapter 9: The Nobles—Hütten—'Letters of some Obscure Men'—Seckingen—Cr…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Youth, Conversion and First Labours of Luther (1483-1517): Chapter 1: L…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 2: Scholasticism and the Classics—Luther's Piety—His Discovery …


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 3: His Father's Anger—Servile Employments—His Studies—The Bible…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 4: Staupitz—His Piety—His Visitation—His Conversation—Presents …


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 5: The University of Wittemberg—Luther's First Employment—Bibli…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 6: Luther's Journey to Rome—A Convent on the Po—Luther's Behavi…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 7: Doctor's Degree—Carlstadt—Luther's Oath—First Views of Refor…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 8: 'Popular Declamations'—Moral Purity of Luther—Mysticism—Spen…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 9: First Theses—Visit to the Convents—Dresden—Erfurt—Tornator P…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 10: Luther and the Elector—Duke George—Luther at Court—Dinner a…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 2: Chapter 11: Theses—Human Nature—Rationalism—Eck—Urban Regius—Luther's M…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: The Indulgences and Theses (1517, 1518): Chapter 1: Cortège—Tezel—His D…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 2: The Soul in the Burying-Ground—Shoemaker of Hagenau—Myconius…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 3:Leo X—His Necessities—Albert—His Character—Franciscans and Do…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 4: Tezel Approaches—Luther in the Confessional—Tezel's Rage—Lut…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 5: Luther's Theses—Letter to Albert—Dissemination of the Theses


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 6: Reuchlin—Erasmus—Flek—Bibra—The Emperor—The Pope—Myconius—Th…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 7: Tezel's Attack—Luther's Reply—Luther and Spalatin—Study of S…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 8: Disputation at Frankfort—Tezel's Theses—Knipstrow—Luther's T…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 9: Prierio—His Dialogue—Luther's Reply—Hochstraten—Eck—'The Obe…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 10: Popular Writings—Lord's Prayer—Sermon on Repentance


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 3: Chapter 11: Apprehensions of Luther's Friends—Journey to Heidelberg—Bib…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Luther before the Legate (May-December 1518): Chapter 1: 'Solutions'—Le…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 2: Diet of Augsburg—The Emperor to the Pope—Luther cited to Rom…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 3: Schwarzerd—His Wife—Philip Melancthon—His Genius—His Studies…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 4: Luther and Staupitz—Order to Appear—Luther's Departure for A…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 5: Arrival at Augsburg—De Vio—Serra-Longa—Safe-Conduct—Luther t…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 6: First Appearance—Conditions of Rome—Propositions to Retract—…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 7: Communication to the Legate—Second Appearance—Luther's Decla…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 8: Third Appearance—Treasury of Indulgences—Humble Request—Lega…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 9: De Vio and Staupitz—Staupitz and Luther—Luther and Spalatin …


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 10: Luther's Flight—Luther's Wish—The Legate to the Elector—The…


Read by Christopher Smith

Book 4: Chapter 11: Thoughts of Departure—Adieus to the Church—Critical Moment—…


Read by Christopher Smith


well read account of our precious Reformation

(5 Sterne)


(5 Sterne)

I listed to this whole series in just a few days. It was amazing! Loved the book and the reader. Thank you!

I'd recommend it to everyone.

(5 Sterne)

the content of this volume is very fasinating, I've definitely learned many things. and the reader did a fantastic job.

The best history of the Ptotestant reformation .

(5 Sterne)

zt May God bless you for making available this excellent audiobook freely. The reader is excellent. sincerely yours, George Kwayfaty.


(5 Sterne)

This book is a must for all Bible students and those who seek to defend the truth in any generation!

Thanks for the great book and 5 star reading.You help allot .

(5 Sterne)

Great book and very well read by Christopher Smith!

(5 Sterne)

(5 Sterne)

Christopher Smith’s reading adds to the historical narrative.