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Dodo: A Detail of the Day

Gelesen von Anna Simon

(4,179 Sterne; 28 Bewertungen)

Fashionably controversial bestseller at the time of appearance (1893), portraying London "society" in the Fin de Siècle. Dodo is a young woman who enjoys belonging to the high society. At the start of the book, she is about to make an advantageous marriage, to a man with money and a title - just what she needs.
This audiobook includes Volume 1 & 2 (the complete novel) - Summary by Anna Simon (8 hr 18 min)


Chapter One


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Two


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Three


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Four


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Five


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Six


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Seven


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Eight


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Nine


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Ten


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Eleven


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Twelve


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Thirteen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Fourteen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Fifteen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Sixteen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Seventeen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Eighteen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Nineteen


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Twenty


Read by Anna Simon

Chapter Twenty-One


Read by Anna Simon


(3 Sterne)

Anna Simon could read the phone book and still keep me rapt. Dido is a perfect example of a borderline personality disorder with pathological narcissism. I could only take her in small doses. Jack was asking for it but I don't think he expected emasculation. I don't think I could recommend it. Not much depth

(3 Sterne)

so nice to hear Anna read but this book just not that interesting. Dodo is not a likable person and only thinks of herself. hopefully she changes in the story, but the author did not make me want to care. The Stars are for Anna. please read mysteries.

thank you thank you thank you

(5 Sterne)

So happy to find an audio version of this book! Yes, Dodo is unbelievably self-centered, but in these Edwardian surroundings, she's a heroine. Think of her as an early version of one of Fitzgerald's flappers and enjoy the ride!


(5 Sterne)

This was a roller coaster of entertainment with a stunner of a finalè. I highly recommend this novel with all its intended twists & turns within the spectrum of human emotions.

(4 Sterne)

Great reader and this books only saving grace. The reader is the only reason for 4 stars not 2 the story deserves.

(2,5 Sterne)

the narrator is EXCELLENT, but I didn't find this book as entertaining as queen Lucia or miss mapp. maybe I missed something

Like a sail with no breeze.

(1 Sterne)

I reccomend this narrator take some iron supplements.

Finally I found you!

(5 Sterne)

Thank you very much for posting this audiobook.