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Catherine Howard (Dramatic Reading)

Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers

(4,038 Sterne; 13 Bewertungen)

Subtitled "The Throne, The Tomb, and The Scaffold - An Historical Play in 3 Acts From the Celebrated Play of that Name by Alexandre Dumas" - How can you resist a play about English history - the doomed fifth wife of Henry the 8th - by the celebrated French author of The Musketeers?? - Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Henry VIII, King of England: Larry Wilson
Athelwold, Duke of Northumberland: Paul Simonin
Archbishop Cranmer: alanmapstone
Duke of Sussex: KHand
Duke of Norfolk: tovarisch
Grand Chamberlain: Tomas Peter
Lieutenant of the Tower: Sandra Schmit
Fleming, an Alchemist: Availle
Page: Lydia
Martin Krinkly, a Cordwainer: Tomas Peter
Simon Kreetnur, a Weaver: VivianWeaver
Captain of Guard: Bjorn V
Executioner: Kalynda
Princess Margaret, Sister to the King: Leanne Yau
Catherine Howard, his Fifth Wife: Beth Thomas
Dame Kennedy, her Nurse: Lydia
Winifred Krinkly, Wife to Martin: Sonia
Stage Directions: ToddHW
Edited By:  ToddHW (1 hr 59 min)


Act 1


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Act 2


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Act 3


Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Great play, not historically accurate.

(5 Sterne)

Very dramatic reading of a very dramatic play! However the historical accuracy is dubious at best. Still, a fun romp through Tudor England, and Catherine Howard herself is a fascinating and tragic figure. Queen at 16yo, executed at 18yo, her prior marriage was never proved but Henry executed her alleged husband anyway!


(5 Sterne)

Eighteen different people from many corners of the world have collaborated together to render animatedly the joint reading of this play by Dumas about a historic period in Britain. Thank you all!

(5 Sterne)

It sounds like the readers had fun with this short drama. Good job with the writing and keeping an old story fresh.


(3 Sterne)

Pretty dramatic, however, it was kinda over dramatic sometimes. Thanks, though!