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Common Sense

Gelesen von Gary Gilberd

(4,552 Sterne; 406 Bewertungen)

Common Sense, Paine's pro-independence monograph published anonymously on 10 January 1776, spread quickly among literate colonists. Within three months, 120,000 copies are alleged to have been distributed throughout the colonies, which themselves totaled only four million free inhabitants, making it the best-selling work in 18th-century America. Its total sales in both America and Europe reached 500,000 copies. It convinced many colonists, including George Washington and John Adams, to seek redress in political independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and argued strongly against any compromise short of independence. (Wikipedia) (2 hr 2 min)


Introduction & Preface


Read by Gary Gilberd

Ch. 1 Origin of Government in General


Read by Gary Gilberd

Ch. 2 Monarchy and Hereditary Succession


Read by Gary Gilberd

Ch. 3 Thoughts on the Present State of America pt. 1


Read by Gary Gilberd

Ch. 3 Thoughts on the Present State of America pt. 2


Read by Gary Gilberd

Ch. 4 The Present Ability of America


Read by Gary Gilberd



Read by Gary Gilberd


(5 Sterne)

Well done. I am very glad to have revisited Thomas Paine's concise pamphlet of arguments for independence. His clarity of thought coupled with his ability to express those arguments logically makes me appreciate the men of the period.

Roots of America

(3,5 Sterne)

There are powerful statements in this piece. Not enough people understand how America was intended to function. This gives insight into how politics and government works.

Still Relavent

(5 Sterne)

A tome still full of wisdom applicable to today. It also is a good look into the thinking of people at that time, something quite different than is often taught today. It also delivered in easily understandable English with only quotes being in Old English.

(5 Sterne)

this book is an amazing look at America's play for Independence. however the reader of the book leaves much to be desired.

our schools would be better with this

(5 Sterne)

This is a great book. I am glad I found it.

needs to be banned. It is literally treasonous

(4,5 Sterne)

This work of structural oppression and phalogocentricism was instrumental in the creation of the United States. The United States is a hell hole of systemic oppression and inequality. A free people is a people free to violate the iron clad rules of social justice. In order to protect the helpless victimized BIPOCs we need to create a leviathan state that looks after every facet of out well being. We need a state so strong and oppressive that there is no possibility for self defense or thinking untowed thoughts. People are not capable of governing themselves. However an all powerfully state and a hereditary corporate elite definitely have the best interest of the individual at heart. This book sounds like something Al Quaeda would have written. Freedom is not absolute. However we do have the freedom to do exactly what our corporate masters tell us to do. Free thought, and actions are dangerous. Better to trust and obey the expert advice of our masters.

(4 Sterne)

5 stars for the book, but the reading was so stilted that I had to adjust the score. This should be required reading for every US citizen, and especially for those in public schools. It's obvious they know nothing about American history, and the parallels between King George and the present government are so remarkable that the book is as relevant today as when it was written. I do wish I had known there were two other readings of this book because it was painful to listen to this one. it seemed as if the reader had never read this book before and kept hesitating, stopping, choking, really, because he didn't know what was coming next. At first I thought it was a robotic rendition and then realized that there was a name set to it. I hope the reader gets more practice and realizes he has to be familiar with the material when he reads it.

impressive work

(5 Sterne)

what amazed me the most is how much of this essay found it's way into the US Constitution. further, he calls for a declaration of indeoendence. he argues in favor of freedom of religion, etc. he says, a house divided against itself cannot stand. hmm.. sounds familiar! now I move on to the books of john locke