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The Little Dragons

Gelesen von Rowan Starsmith

(4,089 Sterne; 73 Bewertungen)

Once the People of the Land had an Agreement with the Dragons, negotiated by the Order of Dragon Priestesses through their Familiars, the Little Dragons. Everything changed, however, when the King’s People came. The Kings knew only the way of the sword. They carved the land into warring Realms and tried to kill off the Dragons, including their smaller cousins. They saw the Priestesses dedicated to the Dragons’ care as evil and murdered them as well. Angry and hungry, the Dragons struck back.

Now both peoples live their lives at night, by the light of lanterns and torches. In the daytime, they must shut themselves and their livestock into their homes, be it a tiny cabin in the wilderness of the Northlands or a Castle in the midst of one of the King’s capital cities.

Both peoples search for a solution in their own way. The Healing Order, which barely survived the Kings’ conquest and the terror of the Dragons, investigates the old rumours claiming that the Healers who sheltered fleeing Dragon Priestesses recorded their secrets. A young generation of Princes, armed with new weapons, wants their turn to make war upon the Dragons. An aging King schemes to consolidate his power while struggling with his secret fear that warring with the Dragons is just a way to give them a feast of dead soldiers. Meanwhile his Queen sends their daughter to an elderly Healer, sure the girl is pregnant despite her insistence that she has never lain with a man. A young woman who desperately wants to apprentice as a Healer is forced to become her Teacher’s servant. A newly dedicated Healer worries about who will care for his beloved elderly Teacher when his Apprenticeship ends, and a pair of young servants in the Women’s Retreat House follow their contrasting dreams.

The fates of these very different people entwine in surprising ways as, one after another, they are drawn into the search for the Little Dragons.

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Little Dragons 01

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 02

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 03

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 04

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 05

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 06

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 07

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 08

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 09

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 10

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 11

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 12

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 13

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 14

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 15

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 16

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 17

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 18

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 19

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 20

Read by Rowan Starsmith

LIttle Dragons 21

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 22

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 23

Read by Rowan Starsmith

Little Dragons 24

Read by Rowan Starsmith


loved it

(5 Sterne)

this was a great book. beginning was very confusing because background of characters was fleeting but turned out very good

beautifully written

(5 Sterne)

the author does a great job narrating the story. I wish there was a second book!


(5 Sterne)

Read well. Interesting book. I'd read or listen to more book from this author

lovely story with several good twists

(5 Sterne)

(2,5 Sterne)

A Bit Lewd.. but otherwise a good story.. I thought there would be more action and less ah well sexual references! I mean I could deal with same sex relationships (though it was rather pushy), but dragons and humans????????? I mean that's just weird. However with out that well it was a good story line and great reading voice just a lot of "what?????" moments...

NOT about dragons!!!!! LOL

(0,5 Sterne)

This is a liberal agenda book about being queer and it being ok in the world. This personally is not my thing and I was unable to finish the book. So if that's your thing then you might enjoy this book, if it is not then you might want to stay away from it.

Weird dragons

(2 Sterne)

I don't know how to review this. On the one hand, I want to support stories promoting equality and free love, but on the other, I didn't like this so much. I felt that the story was too obvious and preaching with its message of love over genders, social classes, races and even species. The characters felt a little flat and the plot was weird and illogical at times. Things just happened, without believable motives behind them. Love, especially, developed between characters in such a way that I didn't really feel the emotion behind the action of saying 'I love you' to another character. Still, the piece was well read, and the author's voice was pleasant to listen to.

(1 Sterne)

This started out as a good story but it is definitely NOT "family friendly." There was constant interruptions of music due to short chapters making it extra annoying. The story pushes homosexuality under the label of "love", more like lust, AND bestiality. These types of books should come rated so ppl know what they are getting. I couldn't finish it and was very dissapointed.