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Quick Silver

Gelesen von Derek Mathias

(4,61 Sterne; 557 Bewertungen)

What does a reformed cat burglar do when he has only months left to live? Sylvester "Silver" Larcini decides to test his skills one last time and pulls off the caper of his life by robbing the mansion of the mysterious Sherman Lord. Unfortunately, Lord has access to powers and resources far beyond anything Silver ever imagined. He kidnaps Silver's wife and unleashes a worldwide manhunt against him.

On the run, Silver encounters Morrigaine, a confused and eccentric young woman who claims to be a sorceress. She promises to help Silver rescue his wife if he helps her complete her murdered father's quest to restore magic to the world.

Despite his skepticism that magic exists, and despite her doubts that high technology isn't some form of magic, they form an unlikely partnership...and soon learn how much they need each other's unique talents in order to face the technological and supernatural forces Lord arrays against them.

Hugo, Nebula and LOCUS Award-winning author David Brin critiqued Quick Silver during its development, and declared the author has a real talent for writing and that the novel "shows real promise!"

See Jane Doe's review of Quick Silver at

UPDATE: As of 9/13/2013, the original version of the novel has been replaced with a revised story and a completely new narration recorded with higher quality equipment. Enjoy!


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Quick Silver 01

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 02

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 03

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 04

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 05

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 06

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 07

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 08

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 09

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 10

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 11

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 12

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 13

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 14

Read by Derek Mathias

Quick Silver 15

Read by Derek Mathias



(5 Sterne)

Wow! Finally a author who not only can write a addictive & engaging story but is able to read like a PRO! All too often they can't read to save their lives & ruin the whole book that would have been other wise well done. His character range is excellent & I'm desperate to see books from him that come after the Essance! What plot possibilities. Thank you for not making any of the characters whining crying pussies by the way. I can't tell you how glad I am for the literary reprieve.

Excellent Listen!

(5 Sterne)

This was my first full length modern audio book and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The author did an outstanding job on the narration as well as the story telling. I love all things supernatural and magical myself, so it was entertaining to say the least. Highly recommended. If I had only 1 critique it would be that there were perhaps too many mystical references... fewer would have been better, leaving the others for future books perhaps? Regardless... it all ties up. Thank you for the hours of entertainment, sir.

enough with the "donations for the author requests".

(5 Sterne)

This was a great read with lots of twists and turns. The author did a great job narrating the story. I would recommend this to other people. The one problem was the request for donations for the author in between each chapter. They should've done the request once during the beginning once during the middle of the bookand once at the end. But during every chapter it was really just too much! I did like the little music they did in between the chapters that really works.

decent listen

(3,5 Sterne)

Quite an interesting concept that is delivered in this book and it is certainly worth a listen. Even though the book is delivered by the author, he does a reasonably good job of it. Normally when this is done, it detracts from the story but not in this case. Not sure what happened at the end as I couldn’t play the last bit. This also happened in one of his Other books but I’m not sure why. Would recommend giving it a try.

Unique in way

(5 Sterne)

The story was refreshing and had a bit of humor that enjoyed, I hope the story continues. The author did a great job at doing the voices with each character having unique personality. There is only one very small error that I found funny, he mentioned that he had to disengage the safe on his glock 17c which doesn't have a safety.

Very good

(4,5 Sterne)

An intriguing story line and an excellant pace to the action. The author/narrator did a superb job. I've listened to several podiobooks and I like that this one did't have a lot of music at the beginning and end of each section. I look forward to more from this author.

(0 Sterne)

This is one of the strongest debuts on Podiobooks to date and rivals the best this site has to offer. Derek Mathias integrates the writing styles and subject matter of Luc Besson, Mur Lafferty, JC Hitchins and Scott Sigler in a smooth blend of action, evil and sprinkle of humor ...

(0 Sterne)

UPDATE: As of 9/13/2013, I have replaced the original audiobook of Quick Silver with an all new recording of the entire novel, using a much better mic and (more importantly!) much better headphones (to improve the editing process). Also, I've updated the story to address a couple of minor characterization ...