The Wizard That Wasn't: Mechanized Wizardry Book 1
Gelesen von Ben Rovik
Ben Rovik

Never trust a wizard.
They’re all filthy, addle-brained con artists peddling superstitious nonsense. Horace Lundin doesn’t believe in their magic. The Petronaut technician works with steel and steam in the workshop, maintaining the mechanical suits of armor his masters wear. There’s nothing magic can do that technology can’t do better.
So he thinks, until he witnesses the power of wizardry first-hand.
That fateful day gives Lundin and his Petronaut colleagues an idea. What if magic didn’t have to be chaotic and messy and unreliable, like the wizards who practice it? What if it could be as simple as throwing a switch? Putting their resources and their reputation on the line, the technicians cobble together a music-box magician, programmed to speak the arcane words punched out on its disks…
…and it works.
But the Petronauts can’t hide their discovery in the workshop for long. There’s danger brewing in the city of Delia. When Princess Naomi is laid low by dark magic, her only hope for survival may rest with Horace Lundin and:
The Wizard That Wasn’t
Reader reviews on Amazon:
"Witty, creative, and well-thought...I was hooked!"
"A fun steampunk fantasy."
"A great read... strong character development... Reading 'Mechanized Wizardry' makes me selfishly want the author to stop doing everything but write so I/we may read more."
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Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
Read by Ben Rovik
So much fun!

I stumbled upon "The wizard that wasn't" quite by accident while looking for something to read on the commute to work. I'm so glad I did! This is such a great story with endearing characters and clever ideas. I just finished a few moments ago and I've already ordered the second book. I'm officially a "Rovikian" now!!
The Wizard That Wasn't. (Not Hazel and Oak). Sorry.

not hazel and oak... I can't seem to rid of that title. sorry Ben. I love this. One of my favorite audeo books. I think I've listened to this audeo book three or four times now. Love the narrative, love the characters and love the story. Thank you.
By: Christian

Ben did a top notch job with this book. I can relate to the previous crit about world building but I got over it quickly and was able to enjoy. I felt that the characters were likeable as well as relatable and well fleshed out. I greatly enjoyed the fact ...
By: Ben Rovik

Hi Anne! I'm so glad you liked the story, and I'm honored to have more Rovikians in the world. :) So you know, Book Two, The Mask And The Master, is currently FREE on Smashwords. Please check it out, and feel free to share the link!
By: Ben Rovik

Many thanks Christian! I can't tell you how happy seeing people in Petronaut costumes would make me :) I'm planning to release Book Two, "The Mask And The Master" to Podiobooks in 2013. Until then, keep checking out my blog for announcements about new Mech Wiz books!
A lot of fun.
Seven Archers

The author is very creative and imaginative. A great story that's a lot of fun in a medieval steampunky sort of way! He also does a great job reading. I highly recommend giving it a "read".
Really enjoyable.
A. Rawson

I haven't read a fantasy novel in quite some time, and this was a very good beginning to a series. Thankfully the sound quality for the audio book is very good also.
By: Robin

Hi from Australia. I loved listening to this book, it was engaging and I really like the tongue in cheek style of commentary, keep it up. Cant wait to listen to the next book.