Untrue Tales... Book Four
Gelesen von Teel McClanahan III
Teel McClanahan III

Explorations of Ridiculous Realities or Corporation and Collusion or How To Subvert Corporatocracy.
Contains mature content not suitable for all readers.
Book Four picks up at the moment Book Three left off, with Trevor, his wife and daughter he's just met, and his best friend Nirgal having been whisked away from Earth in a space craft and escorted to the captain's office. Most of Book Four is concerned with Toni's explanations of what Trevor's life was like before he was exiled to Earth.
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Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
Read by Teel McClanahan III
The best fantasy story you'll ever submerge yourself in. Not to
miss new2audiobooks

What a fantastic story, even if it's a little weird at times. I can't praise the author enough for his amazing and unique imagination. Harry potter and narnia and similar stories come no where near. this would make a fantastic film if done properly. Teel McClanahan is a fantastic story teller, with a wonderful voice. He's fetched his books and characters alive. he's definitely someone who I'd like to meet and converse with. I can only imagine what an interesting and engaging conversation it would be. I'm now converted as a fan of his work and mind. I will be reading or listening to as many of his books that I can find xxx
By: Teel McClanahan III

Would you believe it's actually my 11th book on Podiobooks.com? And to reassure you that this isn't going to leave you hanging (like Book Three did, with no follow-up for years), I've already finished writing Book Five, I'm almost done with Book Six - and Book Six is the final ...

Great book looking forward to the next one
I can't stop listening to these books!
lucky in michigan