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Gelesen von A.P. Fuchs

One night Gabriel Garrison was visited by a nameless messenger who bestowed upon him great power, a power intended for good. Once discovering what this power was and what it enabled him to do, Gabriel became Axiom-man, a symbol of hope in a city that had none.

One night after a routine patrol, a mysterious black cloud appears over the city. Flying over to investigate it, Axiom-man is stopped short when the cloud's presence shakes him to the core. An electrifying fear emanates from the cloud and he can barely get near it. Quickly, the cloud takes flight and leads him on a wild goose chase throughout the city, only to flee from him in the end. Almost immediately after the cloud's appearance, a new hero arises, Redsaw, clad in a black cape and cowl. The people, now enamored with this new super-powered marvel, seem to have forgotten about Axiom-man and all he's done for them.

Except something's wrong. That same fear that emanated from the cloud drips off Redsaw like a foul smell and Axiom-man can barely get close to him without feeling ill.

What is Redsaw's agenda and who is he? And why is it every time Axiom-man gets close to him it feels as if his powers are being sucked away?

As if that wasn't enough, Gabriel's day job hasn't gotten any easier. His co-worker and the woman he adores, Valerie Vaughan, has little interest in him, and his boss has made it clear that one more day late to work will be the day he cleans out his desk. Then there's the new trainee, Gene Nemek. What is his fascination with Redsaw and why is he never around when Redsaw appears?

From flying over city streets and soaring at dizzying heights, to balancing a secret identity with destiny, Axiom-man must discover what Redsaw's presence means and how it ties into the messenger's life-altering visit before the city—and the world—are enamored with an evil that has haunted the cosmos since the dawn of Time.

"Axiom-man is that unique breed of superhero that seems almost lost
amid today's gaggle of the dark and tormented. He's nice, he cares,
and his strength comes not from his fantastic powers, but from his
soul. A.P. Fuchs has written a defining superhero novel."
- Frank Dirscherl, author/creator of The Wraith

"Reading Axiom-man is refreshing, like reading about the early
days of Peter Parker, but with a cooler villain as well."
Jon Klement, author/creator of Rush and the Grey Fox

"Axiom-man was well worth reading and recommending. The broad
appeal is amazing—from youth to adult, guys and girls. Superheroes
might just become my thing."
- Susan Kirkland, reviewer, Calhoun Times

"I found myself picking the book up at various points in the day, just
to read a little more."
- Darryl Sloan, author of Ulterior and Chion

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Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter One

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Four Months Earlier... Part 1

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Two

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Three

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Four

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Four Months Earlier... Part 2

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Five

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Six

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Four Months Earlier... Part 3

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Seven

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Eight

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Four Months Earlier... Part 4

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Nine

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Ten

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Four Months Earlier... Part 5

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Eleven

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Twelve

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Four Months Earlier... Part 6

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Thirteen

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Fourteen

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Fifteen

Read by A.P. Fuchs

Chapter Epilogue

Read by A.P. Fuchs


(0 Sterne)

Great concept. I like the fact that he's vulnerable and his powers are somewhat limited. I just have one question. Why is the general's uniform navy blue? I'm not trying to be nitpicky, and after 11 chapters if that's all we find, that's pretty good. Please keep up the good ...

(0 Sterne)

Thanks for your honest feedback, Barry. If you're interested in checking out another free Axiom-man tale, his comic book debut is presently being serialized for free at The URL to the comic is and is updated every Tuesday and Thursday. Perhaps the comic story might be more up ...

(0 Sterne)

I want to like Axiom-man. I'm trying to like Axiom-man. I've given it five episodes so far and have decided to give it one more. So far I feel like I'm drowning in exposition: lots of internal monologues with the characters explaining to themselves how they feel about things and ...

(0 Sterne)

I'd say the story got better towards the end. There was a bit more action and adventure but I'd like to see more. The love story never really seemed to develop quite enough and the hero never really took advantage of his powers he just seemed like a depressed stump ...

(0 Sterne)

Dear Chris, Oh, there's plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of action and adventure in book two, Doorway of Darkness. This first novel was more an origin tale than anything else, basically setting up what's to come. Same deal with the love story. You can read a free preview of Doorway ...

(0 Sterne)

Having listened to the the whole book, with some difficulty it has to be said, I am largely dissapointed with this effort. It wasn't so much that it didn't have potential, or that the premise was so far fetched, but more that it never really escalated above mundane. As a ...

(0 Sterne)

I just listened to this book through in one day while working. I really enjoyed the story, and found it to be a very good "origin tale", and it really delved into the moral dilemmas that Gabriel is faced with, and why he chose to be the kind of superhero ...

(0 Sterne)

As a quick point of interest, the trailer to the comic book, Axiom-man: Of Magic and Men, is up at Youtube and can be accessed via this link: If you'd like to read the comic for free, please go to: Thanks.