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Gelesen von Teel McClanahan III

(4,069 Sterne; 130 Bewertungen)

At age 7, Sophia was struck down with a life-threatening disease. Faced with a choice between an unending life in the body of a child and her otherwise certain death, Sophia's parents had her turned into a vampire.

Now, after 10 years of Christian home-schooling and near-total isolation, Sophia secretly plans on moving out the very night she turns 18. All her research, her online classes, and her natural curiosity have prepared Sophia mentally for the world she's about to dive head-first into, but no amount of research could prepare her heart for falling in love with Joshua, the first young man she sees after donating her corneas the next day.

Her faith in God and her desire to heal the sick gives Sophia the strength to persevere through the pain of donation after donation, and her vampirism gives her the ability to grow her organs back again and again, but Sophia finds herself unequipped to face her suddenly-awakened lusts of the flesh and the ache in her heart for a deep, reciprocated love. After a shocking and painful first date with Joshua, it doesn't take Sophia long to learn just how difficult the search for love can be, especially for a teenage vampire with a child's body and a strong desire to avoid falling into sin.

Sophia is one of two books in the duology Never Let the Right One Go, which shows two apparently conflicting views of the same supernatural world by looking through the eyes of two very different teenage girls in their pursuit of love. Don't miss Emily, the other half of the picture, and a completely contrary take on everything you think you know.

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Chapter 1

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 2

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 3

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 4

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 5

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 6

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 7

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 8

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 9

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 10

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 11

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 12

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 13

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 14

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 15

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 16

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 17

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 18

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 19

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 20

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 21

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 22

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 23

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 24

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 25

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 26

Read by Teel McClanahan III

Chapter 27

Read by Teel McClanahan III


Much micro little macro

(3,5 Sterne)

I liked the original perspective of a child looking young adult with a supernatural topping. It was filled with many small details that almost made me wonder if the writer could've come up with them without experiencg them irl (even the supernatural ones. lol) Imyself found many moments relatable, although somewhat disenchanted by the crazy religious angle. I also found the overly alice-of-life overshadowed somewhat the other aspects of the story which could gave made it far more interesting and engaging. Although I was interested in the many small details that made the story come alive, too many of them were plot irrelevant, and contributed nothing to the overall story development, which kept slowing down more and more throughout the entire book. so 3.5 stars from me. That being said, I will listen to the 2nd part ofthis duology hopping it will have a little more of a bite, than Sophia.

Nice story

(5 Sterne)

It's a great story, i was more impressed with sophia than the Emily book. great job with this one. down side is the reader sounded much like he was reading in a room where people might be sleeping, and didn't want to wake them.

Pretty good!

(4 Sterne)

Good, solid story with a different point of view. Very original. The strong Christian perspective of the main character may seem over the top to some but I have seen many people with this level of devotion.


(3,5 Sterne)

I really enjoyed this book it had light and dark sides and the whole concept of vamps and humans liveing together is brilliant I cant wait to listen to Emily :)

very entertained by this book

(4 Sterne)

you lose one star for not attributing the Scriptures to God Almighty from whom we received The Word. otherwise excellent work

(5 Sterne)

Great read, a very different sometimes disturbing way of looking at what is essentially an old story, definitely different from your average vampire tale.

bad writing

(0,5 Sterne)

he makes woman into mindless zombies when they have a crush on a guy. both books are like this.


(3 Sterne)

a unique prospective on a reality that maybe realer than the fiction work here makes it out to be.