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Marco and the Red Granny

Gelesen von Mur Lafferty

(4,386 Sterne; 149 Bewertungen)

By bringing back the patronage system, a new alien species has transformed the moon into the new artistic center of the universe, and Sally Ride Lunar Base soon gains the nickname “Mollywood.” These aliens can do amazing things with art and the senses, allowing a painting, for example, to stimulate other senses than simply sight. When someone asks a starlet, “Who are you wearing?” she could as easily say “J.K. Rowling” as she could “Gucci.”

Every creative person in the world wishes for a patronage. It’s quite competitive.

Marco wanted one, once. But then his girlfriend got one and shuttled off to Mollywood for fame and fortune, and Marco stayed home, waiting for his own patron. After several years, he gave up entirely. His career faltered. His agent dumped him. And then, one morning, he gets a call. At last he has a patron, at last the aliens want him. But he’s about to find out that an artistic patronage isn’t what it was in the good old days, and that the only friend he’s made, a tiny old woman who’s the star of a blood sports reality series called The Most Dangerous Game, has secrets of her own.

Narrated by Devo Spice. Theme song by Beatnik Turtle.

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Marco 01

Read by Mur Lafferty

Marco 02

Read by Mur Lafferty

Marco 3

Read by Mur Lafferty

Marco 4

Read by Mur Lafferty

Marco 5

Read by Mur Lafferty

Marco 6

Read by Mur Lafferty

Marco 7

Read by Mur Lafferty


(0 Sterne)

The beginning to this story is amusing and engaging. My curiousity tells me that I'm going to waiting to pounce on the next episode so as to see where the plot takes us. May I also give a tip of the hat for the good sound and narration. Thank you. ...

(0 Sterne)

I have to say I was somewhat disappointed in how standard the ending really was. It was a nice set up, though - and I'd have loved to have learned more about the alien's way of life. But really, this basic story - it wasn't worth more words than it ...

good book, great reader

(4 Sterne)

I really like Mur Lafferty's books (zombie one excluded) her concepts are out there, But she makes it all come together nicely. Great imagination. I liked this book, but the ending came up unexpectably, maybe there will be a sequel. fingers crossed!!! excellent reader!!!!!!

(0 Sterne)

This was a great listen. I loved the satore on reality tv and other forms of mass enterainment as well as the moral lesson in the end. Is there any chance we might see more from this universe?

(0 Sterne)

[...] here. If you’d prefer Devo Spice’s dulcet tones to read it to you, you can get the audio book here. Category: Awesome, ReviewsTags: marco and the red granny > mur lafferty > [...]

(0 Sterne)

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, Allan Dodds. Allan Dodds said: RT @Podiobooks: On the Podiobooker - Now releasing Marco and the Red Granny by Mur Lafferty [...]

(5 Sterne)

The reader (Divo Spice) was choice for this piece. Mur once again paints a entertaining universe with one brush stroke.

another amazing audiobook by Mur Lafferty

(5 Sterne)

inspired and unique, and very entertaining. loved this story!