Forkless in Kowloon
Gelesen von Vic Zarley
Vic Zarley

Journey with the author on the emotional roller coaster of preparing to adopt a baby girl through international adoption. Journey physically with the author and his wife as they fly to China to receive their daughter. You will laugh and cry as you hear the journal that the author kept of his experiences as they happened on a laptop which he carried with him to the Orient.
Produced and narrated by Vic Zarley.
Special thanks to Kevin Macleod for providing the theme music throughout this journey. It is entitled "Ishikari Lore".
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Read by Vic Zarley
Read by Vic Zarley
Read by Vic Zarley
Read by Vic Zarley
Read by Vic Zarley
By: Chris

A nice short story. I'm living in China now and so many of the things to remember about China that are mentioned in this story are still so relevant today. The honking, the food, the traffic, etc, it's all as described.
By: Vic Zarley

Chris, Thanks for listening to Forkless in Kowloon and sharing your experience with China now. My daughter, Kristina, is 14, now, and is leaving tomorrow for a week long mission trip with a church. God bless you, Vic Zarley
By: Graham Pollard

This is an important subject and I thank the author for the work put into this story. sadly for me I found the narration and the story not at all interesting. Sorry.
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