Get A Life!
Gelesen von John Dodds
John Dodds

Are you getting as much as you want out of your life? Are you dissatisfied, downhearted, depressed or distressed? Well, why don’t you just Get a Life! John Dodds, a counsellor and writer, presents Get a Life!, the podcast show that aims to help you live a happier, more fulfilled, more creative life.
You may simply want to get even more out of your life, to live it to its fullest potential, or indeed you may be experiencing challenges, or difficulties of one sort or another, and you’re seeking ways to tackle and even overcome them.
Get a Life! offers you some useful tools and tips to help you improve your life and boost your happiness. For some of you it may just be the catalyst you need to change your life for the better. For others it may only be the first step realising that it’s absolutely possible to become much happier, and you may then choose to seek further help with that, whether that’s through counselling, meditation, or another route to finding joy in your life.
Season One covers such topics as: understanding happiness, and how you can become happier; understanding yourself better, creatively handling relationships, how to handle change in your life; and a final episode on how to relax, using breathing exercises and meditation.
Future shows will cover a wide range of topics, including how to deal with stress and anxiety, how to boost your self-esteem, how to unlock your creative potential to be all you can be. John plans listener feedback episodes, so comments and questions are always welcome.
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Read by John Dodds
Read by John Dodds
Read by John Dodds
Read by John Dodds
Read by John Dodds
By: David

Hi, Episode 2 is playing now and I have a general question. Being mildly autistic, I've developed a belief that I do not understand self-help books anymore, even though I still enjoy some. I have had bad experiences trying to apply self-help lessons so also look for a way to ...
By: Mary

Great series. Looking forward to more from John Dodds. And thanks John for putting your words into podcast form.
Better Than Others

I don't really like self help but this is far less depressing than most.
get a life

not to bad for a free down load. ok for stress management.
Oh you can definitely bet I'm contacting him.

What an amazing podcast!
A promising audiobook to recognize your self worth.
dangi hembram

By: John Dodds

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome. Thanks for subscribing!
By: Jabari

This is my first time on podibooks website and I was drawn to your cast I listened to a few episodes and was very impressed and found your messages very helpful I was especially a fan of the concepts in episode 3 Great Job!