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The Failed Cities Monologues

Gelesen von Matt Wallace

(4,3 Sterne; 35 Bewertungen)


In a hardboiled dystopian future, one major American city has been divided in two. Separated by much more than a river, one side is an unfinished technological marvel populated by mega-skyscrapers where the wealthy live, work, and play. The other is a forsaken wasteland where order is strictly maintained by a rogue group of cleric soldiers known as the street preachers. But this dichotomy is about to change. Slowly, quietly, clandestine forces are working to undermine the small piece of redemption the street preachers have brought to their concrete flocks. In the face of watching their second chance crumble to dust, some will fight to stop it. Others will kill to make it happen.

A bold experiment in podcast fiction, The Failed Cities Monologues are told from the shifting perspectives of the characters who inhabit this world, twisted noir archetypes and cyberpunk warriors. Their lives and their stories are linked together by conspiracy, fate... and blood.

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The Failed Cities Monologues I - Ethan

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues II - Ferus

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues III - Sterne

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues IV - Truck

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues V - Fera

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues VI - Constable Klimenko

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues VII - d'Anger

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues VIII - The Maven

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues IX - Sally

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues X - Ethan

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XI - Ferus

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XII - Sterne

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XIII - Truck

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XIV - Fera

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XV - Constable Klimenko

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XVI - d'Anger

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XVII - The Maven

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XVIII - Operative 853

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XIX – Ethan

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XX – Ferus

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XXI – Sterne

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XXII – Truck

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XXIII – Fera

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XXIV - Constable Klimenko

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XXV – d'Anger

Read by Matt Wallace

The Failed Cities Monologues XXVI - The Maven

Read by Matt Wallace


Bravo from Borneo

(5 Sterne)

So thrilled to have come across this really superb book with its outstanding narration and production quality...especially the entirely appropriate music. It's a slow burn of gritty story line told from different character perspectives. Reminded me so much of the Tincture books...which you must read if you liked this book. I'm now on the look out for more books from this author. Bravo! A real treat indeed.

(0 Sterne)

Read my review of TFCM here: "Wallace is more than just a superb storyteller; he is writer of some of the best modern prose I have read or heard in a long time. He gets under his characters' skins, and through them, under his readers'/listeners' skins. You'll feel him ...

(0 Sterne)

I thorougly enjoyed the story and the characters. The development wasn't drawn out too much, but the characters did take the forefront in this story. It is a unique concept and I felt that it was executed extremely well. It kept me awake and wanting to know more about the ...

(0 Sterne)

Wow... I just finished this and I thought it was awesome. The production quality was great with the music and sound effects, and the voice characterisations were excellent. It was a compelling story that hooked me right from the beginning. The characters were fascinating and complex. And the prose... Matt, ...

(0 Sterne)

Mindblown. I enjoyed the story very much and must say the audio brings it to a new level. The living word somehow let me experience the plot and the characters more deeply, more vividly and more emotionally. Thanks to the author and the voice actors, technicians, etc... who made this ...

(0 Sterne)

I really enjoyed this book. If you liked Sin City or similar storied, you will enjoy this book. I wish I could hear more about the characters introduced in this book. I hope Truck gets another vette, or learns to love porsches. I wonder if Stern gets his book published. ...


(5 Sterne)

at first I didn't know if I would like it but the reviews were good so hay. I wound up totally loving the style it was like listening to a graphic novel. I could picture it very well done I hope to see more.

(0 Sterne)

Wow. I've been listening to podcast literature for over three years. I've heard some of the brightest stars of the genre: Sigler, Morris, Harwood, Hutchins, Lowell and Rossi. This -- this is art.