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The Leavenworth Case (Version 2)

Gelesen von Kevin Green

(4,492 Sterne; 182 Bewertungen)

The Leavenworth Case is a gripping detective novel set in New York, and is one of the first detective fiction novels to be written by a female. Indeed, it was the first novel by Anna Katharine Green who came to be known as 'the mother of the detective novel', and 'The Leavenworth Case' was cited by Agatha Christie as an influence on her own fiction. The story plot twists and turns leaving the reader uncertain as to the identity of the murderer until the very end. This is one of the best detective stories you will ever hear. (0 hr 6 min)


Chapter 1 - A Great Case


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 2 - The Coroner's Inquest


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 3 - Facts and Deductions


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 4 - A Cuts


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 5 - Expert Testimony


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 6 - Side-Lights


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 7 - Mary Leavenworth


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 8 - Circumstantial Evidence


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 9 - A Discovery


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 10 - Mr Gryce Receives New Impetus


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 11 - The Summons


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 12 - Eleanore


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 13 - The Problem


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 14 - Mr Gryce at Home


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 15 - Ways Opening


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 16 - The Will of a Millionaire


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 17 - The Beginnings of Great Surprises


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 18 - On the Stairs


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 19 - In my Office


Read by Kevin Green

Chatper 20 - "Trueman! Trueman! Trueman!"


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 21 - A Prejudice


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 22 - Patch-Work


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 23 - The Story of a Charming Woman


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 24 - A Report Followed by Smoke


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 25 - Timothy Cook


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 26 - Mr Gryce Explains Himself


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 27 - Amy Belden


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 28 - A Weird Experience


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 29 -The Missing Witness


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 30 - Burned Paper


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 31 - Thereby Hangs a Tale


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 32 - Mrs Belden's Narrative


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 33 - Unexpected Testimony


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 34 - Mr Gryce Resumes Control


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 35 - Fine Work


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 36 - Gathered Threads


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 37 - Culmination


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 38 - A Full Confession


Read by Kevin Green

Chapter 39 - The Outcome of a Great Crime


Read by Kevin Green


The Leavenworth Case

(5 Sterne)

I suspect The Leavenworth Case, a mystery that manages to be full of twists and turns while remaining small in scope, would have been a lot less compelling without such a wonderfully talented reader. Each character is performed with nuance, humor, and remarkable variety. The interpretation of the dialog is spot on, full of little, specific moments of characterization. Even the women's voices had distinction and variety. Well done.

A bit Verbose

(3 Sterne)

This LibriVox Volunteer is Wonderful to listen to, what with his perfect cadence & vocals for nearly every character, yet the Author is just too "wordy"! She goes on & on & on some more. I listened though, to every single word.

(5 Sterne)

Whilst sometimes getting lost in the flow of this story, Kevin Green made it for me. His ability to make subtle changes to accents helped identify the characters and make them come to life. I loved the story especially, although set in NY, it could so easily been anywhere in that era. I never minded revisiting a chapter. Great catalogue choice LibriVox!

Well written and very well read, but

(3,5 Sterne)

Great reader and good story. Very entertaining at first, however easy to predict (for the mystery fan) and a bit too romanticized for my taste. A bit too long at times.

wonderful book! wonderful Reader!

(5 Sterne)

before this, I'd never, ever heard of this author or this book! I am so thrilled to have a "new" discovery.. I've looked up the author on Wikipedia, and plan to seek out more of her work. thank you once again Librivox.. and thank you to the fantastic Reader for a perfect delivery.

very worth a listen!

(5 Sterne)

Kevin Green does a beautiful job with this fascinating story. Once you start listening, it’s not one you can put aside. It feels more like a British drama hearing it done by Kevin. He even uses British cultural accents for servants, cockney, etc. which adds to the charm of the delivery.

(3,5 Sterne)

A very good mystery except there are times when it strained credulity that the main character didn’t see possibilities in front of him. But the detective was more reliable, so that made it less frustrating. I also really enjoy this reader, and his voices/accents for various characters makes it a much more enjoyable listen.

(4 Sterne)

The reader's excellently differentiated portrayal of the characters in this long and complicated tale brought the story alive for me. Mr. Gryce and Mr. Raymond conspire to unravel the mystery of the death of a wealthy, elderly man, as suspicion inevitably falls on his two nieces, one haughty, one humble. Lengthy, convoluted, but recommended.