Gelesen von Geoffrey Edwards

It is not generally agreed whether Plato was the author of any of these books.
I. Hippias Major (or Greater Hippias)
II. Second Alcibiades (or On Praying)
III. Theages
IV. The Rivals (or Rival Lovers)
V. Hipparchus
VI. Minos
VII. Clitopho (or Clitophon)
VIII. The Epistles (13 Letters)
IX. Epinomis (or The Philosopher)
X. Axiochus (or On Death)
XI. On Virtue
XII. On Justice
XIII. Sisyphus (or Upon Taking Counsel)
XIV. Demodocus
XV. Definitions
XVI. Timaeus Locrus (or The Treatise of Timaeus the Locrian, On the Soul of the World and Nature)- Summary by Geoffrey Edwards (15 hr 31 min)
The Introduction of Alcinous to the Doctrines of Plato [1-9] (Vol.6 Pg.241)
Read by Geoffrey Edwards
The Introduction of Alcinous to the Doctrines of Plato [10-26] (Vol.6 Pg.262)
Read by Geoffrey Edwards
The Introduction of Alcinous to the Doctrines of Plato [27-34] (Vol.6 Pg.293)
Read by Geoffrey Edwards
Apuleius on the Doctrines of Plato - Book 1 On Natural Philosophy (Vol.6 Pg.323)
Read by Geoffrey Edwards
Apuleius on the Doctrines of Plato - Book 2 On Moral Philosophy (Vol.6 Pg.346)
Read by Geoffrey Edwards
Apuleius on the Doctrines of Plato - Book 3 On the Philosophy of Reasoning (Vol…
Read by Geoffrey Edwards