CBS Radio Mystery Theater 1977-1978 page 8
Himan Brown

CBS Radio Mystery Theater was a long-running series of radio dramas created by Himan Brown and hosted by E.G. Marshall. These programs were recorded from a local fm radio station in 1977 and early 1978. The original source material does not contain news or commercials. Files with __ after the title contain material from other sources to supplement gaps in the original recordings. 0725 Return Engagement; 0728 Trial For Murder; 0729 Just To Keep Busy; 0730 The House by the Seine; 0734 Land of the Living Dead; 0737 The Haunted Mill; 0738 A Tale of Two Worlds__; 0740 The Gloria Scott; 0167 The Black Room ('77 rebroadcast) 0309 Goodbye, Karl Erich ('77 rebroadcast)
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
The Black Room

Oh! The drama! The acting! The sound effects! The nostalgia! These days, where the medium IS the massage, I'm glad to find this site, where using ones own imagination is necessary. Thanks for sparking my brain back to life!
Classic "Who Done It" Suspense

Over the Radio listening to yesteryear Suspense and the Macomb thrilling storylines that keep you listening to the end. You'll get hooked!!

love hearing the ones with Sherlock Holmes!