CBS Radio Mystery Theater 1977-1978 page 2 (re-uploaded)
Himan Brown

This is a re-upload to correct missing material. The VBR files are the best for downloading. The ogg and 64kbps files were "system-derived" and have problems. CBS Radio Mystery Theater was a long-running series of radio dramas created by Himan Brown and hosted by E.G. Marshall. These programs were recorded from a local fm radio station in 1977 and early 1978. The original source material does not contain news or commercials. Files with __ after the title contain material from other sources to supplement gaps in the original recordings. Contents: 0604 Orient Express; 0605 Jane Eyre__; 0607 The Legend of Phoenix Hill (static); 0608 The Light That Failed; 0611 Answer Me; 0613 The Sign of The Four; 0616 Look Backward Sometimes; 0617 The Shining Man__; 0619 Little Green Death; 0622 The Gift of Doom.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
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These show bring me back to being a kid, stuck in the back of a station wagon, driving up north on a Friday night. They used to scare the crap out of me back then, and I really enjoy listening again.
Mystery Theater

This series played when I was learning to drive. In central California I drove long distances while listening to this show. I have not ever forgotten the creaking door at the show opening. I did not ever want to get to my destination before the show ended. What a joy to hear these again.

orientation express was classic spy thriller and I was pleasantly surprised by Jane Eyre.