A Laodicean

Read by Simon Evers

(4.5 stars; 110 reviews)

The Laodicean (someone whose religious beliefs are “lukewarm”) of the title is Paula Power who bought the ancient castle De Stancy which she is determined to restore. Being of a modern frame of mind, she has the telegraph connected to the castle – and uses it all the time in the course of the story.

George Somerset is a young architect who is invited to compete for the chance of the commission to restore the castle and who falls in love with Paula.

However, the brother of Paula’s great friend Charlotte De Stancy – of the aristocratic family that once owned the castle – aided by his villainous illegitimate son, sets out to win Paula for himself.

Although Paula likes the idea of being a De Stancy, she is drawn to George from the start. The various machinations of De Stancy and his son keep the narrative moving along at a fast pace.

Summary by Simon Evers (14 hr 19 min)


Preface 1:56 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 1 14:05 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 2 25:14 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 3 12:46 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 4 23:09 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 5 22:50 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 6 14:33 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 7 15:06 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 8 17:55 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 9 14:10 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 10 10:03 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 11 15:57 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 12 16:08 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 13 12:43 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 14 12:28 Read by Simon Evers
Book the First, Part 15 20:10 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 1 16:50 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 2 18:15 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 3 10:45 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 4 17:33 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 5 19:37 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 6 9:55 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Second, Part 7 8:30 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 1 16:45 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 2 19:06 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 3 18:03 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 4 17:00 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 5 14:40 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 6 18:04 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 7 7:35 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 8 11:49 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 9 12:59 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 10 16:08 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Third, Part 11 20:37 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fourth, Part 1 15:55 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fourth, Part 2 9:41 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fourth, Part 3 13:18 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fourth, Part 4 13:14 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fourth, Part 5 10:06 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 1 14:04 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 2 12:48 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 3 12:35 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 4 12:26 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 5 13:20 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 6 9:30 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 7 13:50 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 8 10:14 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 9 13:13 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 10 23:15 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 11 23:03 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 12 12:47 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 13 10:12 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Fifth, Part 14 11:39 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Sixth, Part 1 15:39 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Sixth, Part 2 16:59 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Sixth, Part 3 20:11 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Sixth, Part 4 12:23 Read by Simon Evers
Book the Sixth, Part 5 15:39 Read by Simon Evers


Provoking story well read.

(5 stars)

Reader has again provided an excellent listening opportunity. While his description of this storyline is accurate, I would like to add an additional remark. While Miss Paula's seeming preference to not commit herself to certain social situations might seem to demonstrate an irresolute character quality, perhaps they portray just the opposite. Perhaps the author wishes to build his story around a premise that part of a strong woman's strength comes from her wise use of her ability, and perhaps obligation, to keep her man off balance and at bay for as long as necessary. Not too long of course. A woman that is too easily won and acquired tends to be more easily taken for granted and even set aside. In marrying for love, she craves a forever friend, one who's honor and integrity she can reply upon (especially alone around other women), and a confidante. Then as respect grows, so will love attachment. Our hero wisely understood he must not rush her. When she was ready then she was able to commit herself.

Loved it!

(5 stars)

I agonized, and wanted to warn and scold, went to sleep with my heart aching for poor Paula, and her faithful beau, and thought it was all over a number of times. Thankfully, there was rejoicing, new wisdom gained, and right priorities learned... and these all skillfully mixed up with the manners and inventions of the time, and the foibles of those dizzily in love! And - OH! What a rotten scoundrel! Relax and enjoy, and try, if you can, to put it away before the wee hours of the morning! Thank you to a magnificent, talented reader! Bravo! I'll look for more read by you! Well done!


(5 stars)

Thomas Hardy masterfully played with the reader’s emotion. I feel a constant heartache everytime the narator describe how Sommerset hopelessly in love and being inferior before Paula all through the book. Thank God it’s a happy ending! Great book! And of course great narator. Well done and thank you for the effort!

Excellently read.

(4 stars)

But as a story it drove me mad how nobody would just say what they are thinking.

It goes without saying that Mr. Evers is an exceptional and versatile voice-act…

(4 stars)

only about 1/5th way along.... The agreed, seemingly winner takes all competition between George Somerset the young architect and the elder one chosen by Paula's father(? or someone she is in half morning for...my new pain pills make me fuzzy in the head, but what happy dreams and daydreams, and finally relief i now have from my arthritis...sorry never mind....my ego is so pathetic and embarrassing, sorry) I'm hoping Hardy comes through as sympathetic per usual and the older man is awarded at least some things in the preservation/restoration of the medieval castle....I like hodge-podge, hoping ancient retro ancient Greek gardern is built. This winner takes all ethos comes and stays more than comes and goes. One of the great failures of civilization is conquer or be conquered.

A Can’t Put Downer!

(5 stars)

Tomas Hardy is a master at pulling the reader in close and toying with one's emotions. The emotional ride continues right to the very end of the story and Simon Evers is in the drivers seat all the way. So good and so much fun!


(5 stars)

The term “cliffhanger” is actually one engendered by this author. Combined with Simon Evers magnificent talent, beware of the captivating nature of this excellent story. You might just end up listening all night long, and then, but wait, oh no!

(4.5 stars)

Very nicely read. Typical Hardy. Romantic and holding women in very high esteem. Plot no different to a Bollywood movie! Boy meets girl. Circumstances, circumspection and plotting by baddies prevent them getting together but will all end well?