History of the World War

Read by MaryAnn

(4.4 stars; 41 reviews)

This is a popular narrative history of the world's greatest war. Written frankly from the viewpoint of the United States and the Allies, it visualizes the bloodiest and most destructive conflict of all the ages from its remote causes to its glorious conclusion and beneficent results.

Two ideals have been before us in the preparation of this necessary work. These are simplicity and thoroughness. It is of no avail to describe the greatest of human events if the description is so confused that the reader loses interest. Thoroughness is an historical essential beyond price. So it is that official documents prepared in many instances upon the field of battle, and others taken from the files of the governments at war, are the basis of this work. All that has gone into war making, into the regeneration of the world, are herein set forth with historical particularity. The stark horrors of Belgium, the blighting terrors of chemical warfare, the governmental restrictions placed upon hundreds of millions of civilians, the war sacrifices falling upon all the civilized peoples of earth, are in these pages. (From the Forward) (23 hr 30 min)


A War for International Freedom 26:15 Read by MaryAnn
The World Suddenly Turned Upside Down 17:38 Read by MaryAnn
Why the World Went to War 15:27 Read by MaryAnn
The Plotter Behind the Scenes 35:20 Read by MaryAnn
The Great War Begins 30:34 Read by MaryAnn
The Trail of the Beast in Belgium 36:07 Read by MaryAnn
The First Battle of the Marne 17:17 Read by MaryAnn
Japan in the War 11:35 Read by MaryAnn
Campaign in the East 26:10 Read by MaryAnn
Struggle for Supremacy on the Sea 38:49 Read by MaryAnn
The Sublime Porte 35:34 Read by MaryAnn
Rescue of the Starving 38:58 Read by MaryAnn
Britinnia Rules the Waves 31:04 Read by MaryAnn
New Methods and Horrors of Warfare 24:58 Read by MaryAnn
German Plots and Propaganda in America 31:02 Read by MaryAnn
Sinking of the Lusitania 35:57 Read by MaryAnn
Neuve Chapelle and War in Blood-Soaked Trenches 23:49 Read by MaryAnn
Steadfast South Africa 16:31 Read by MaryAnn
Italy Declares War on Austria 27:31 Read by MaryAnn
Glorious Gallipoli 18:15 Read by MaryAnn
The Greatest Naval Battle in History 31:30 Read by MaryAnn
The Russian Campaign 38:56 Read by MaryAnn
How the Balkans Decided 41:21 Read by MaryAnn
The Campaign in Mesopotamia 20:43 Read by MaryAnn
Canada's Part in the Great War 36:50 Read by MaryAnn
Immortal Verdun 18:34 Read by MaryAnn
Murders and Martyrs 6:49 Read by MaryAnn
The Second Battle of Ypres 9:34 Read by MaryAnn
Zeppelin Raids on France and England 12:14 Read by MaryAnn
Red Revolution in Russia 28:42 Read by MaryAnn
The Descent to Bolshevism 33:29 Read by MaryAnn
Germany's Object Lesson to the United States 10:53 Read by MaryAnn
America Transformed by War 24:28 Read by MaryAnn
How Food Won the War 16:49 Read by MaryAnn
The United States Navy in the War 28:30 Read by MaryAnn
China Joins the Fighting Democracies 8:02 Read by MaryAnn
The Defeat and Recovery of Italy 7:27 Read by MaryAnn
Redemption of the Holy Land 8:13 Read by MaryAnn
America's Transportation Problems 16:23 Read by MaryAnn
Ships and the Men Who Made Them 20:36 Read by MaryAnn
Germany's Dying Desperate Effort 27:19 Read by MaryAnn
Chateau-Thierry, Field of Glory 33:41 Read by MaryAnn
England and France Strike in the North 14:55 Read by MaryAnn
Belgium's Gallant Effort 17:48 Read by MaryAnn
Italy's Terrific Drive 15:35 Read by MaryAnn
Bulgaria Deserts Germany 20:30 Read by MaryAnn
The Central Empires Whine for Peace 16:53 Read by MaryAnn
Battles in the Air 21:00 Read by MaryAnn
Health and Happiness of the American Forces 19:43 Read by MaryAnn
The Pirates of the Under-Seas 15:01 Read by MaryAnn
Approaching the Final Stage 5:34 Read by MaryAnn
Last Days of the War 10:26 Read by MaryAnn
The Drastic Terms of Surrender 27:37 Read by MaryAnn
Peace at Last 20:26 Read by MaryAnn
America's Position in Peace and War 40:34 Read by MaryAnn
The War by Years 11:34 Read by MaryAnn
Behind America's Battle Line 30:24 Read by MaryAnn
General Pershing's Own Story 39:08 Read by MaryAnn
President Wilson's Review of the War 16:05 Read by MaryAnn
Summarized Chronology of the War 47:06 Read by MaryAnn


excellent and thorough detailing of WW 1

(5 stars)

The authors have done an exhausting review of the details of the Great War. They have accomplished a great feat in making a war history readable.

Thank You

(5 stars)

Thank you Mary for your (as always) flawless reading of this and the many other works you have read for Livrivox. There has to be a special place in heaven for people like you who so unselfishly give of yourselves in time and energy works which will (or can) benefit us all. I don't want to brag about you too much for fear of offending those other volunteer readers who do the best they can in such a wonderful and beneficial mission. God bless you all.

Good Information, Good Reading

(5 stars)

Lots of good information about WW1 told from America,s perspective.And well read by only one person.

(4 stars)

What is amazing is how Germany in Belgium and the atrocities committed, is as if reading about atrocities today by Russia in Ukraine. Where there is autocracy there is evil.

l like this history audiobook good spoken and lots of info

(4.5 stars)

Good information from the American side

(5 stars)