
Read by Geoffrey Edwards

(3.7 stars; 79 reviews)

Economics (Greek: ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΑ; Latin: Oeconomica) may not have been written by Aristotle. The author provides examples of methods used by the state to raise money including debt, currency devaluation, commodity controls, tariffs, sales tax, fines, violence and sacrilege. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards) (1 hr 0 min)


Book I (PDF 13) 15:08 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
Book II (PDF 20) 45:16 Read by Geoffrey Edwards



(5 stars)

Deals with soldiers in war chef in the same way that Sun Tzu mentions war is vital for the state


(5 stars)

An insight to ancient economies is always fascinating

(1 stars)

i can't listen to your horible is agonizing..

(0.5 stars)

I cannot take this guy- torturous reading.

Your pansy voice is disgusting.

(1 stars)

Can’t listen to this.