Pioneer Life Among The Loyalists In Upper Canada

Read by David Wales

(4.5 stars; 35 reviews)

What became of the citizens who remained loyal to the Crown when the thirteen British colonies rebelled against England – and won! These Loyalists suffered discrimination and persecution in the nation aborning. Thousands of them left their homes for England; other thousands left for Canada and other British colonies. This book is about the Loyalists who settled in Upper Canada. “To present a picture of the early settlements of Ontario and enter into the daily life of the pioneers is a most fascinating task…. in our search for information concerning the evolution of the homestead, and the customs and peculiarities of the common folk of long ago.“ - Summary by Book preface and david wales (1 hr 48 min)


Preface 2:53 Read by David Wales
The First Settlers Of Upper Canada 10:52 Read by David Wales
Building And Furnishing The Log Cabin 16:45 Read by David Wales
The Struggle With The Forest 20:30 Read by David Wales
Early Courts And Elections 17:03 Read by David Wales
School Teachers And Preachers 18:30 Read by David Wales
Provisions And Public Highways 7:25 Read by David Wales
Doctors, Domestic Remedies, And Funerals 14:48 Read by David Wales


this opened my eyes to a different history!

(5 stars)

as an USAmerican. I had never considered that some people actually wanted to stay loyal to England. I stumbled upon this book which was well written and VERY WELL READ. I love how UPPER CANADA is the portion of Canada just a few miles from me. (actually South of LOWER Canada.) Pioneer life is one thing, But Pioneer life up here in the FREEZING cold and the long, dark winters gives me a huge dose of respect for my foreneighbors. I am moving on to related works.