Light on Life’s Difficulties

Read by Audio Andrea

(4.6 stars; 164 reviews)

When a man enters a dark room he is not sure of his movements, he cannot see objects around him, or properly locate them, and is liable to hurt himself by coming into sudden contact with them. But let a light be introduced, and immediately all confusion disappears. Every object is seen, and there is no danger of being hurt. To the majority, life is such a dark room, and their frequent hurts—their disappointments, perplexities, sorrows and pains—are caused by sudden contact with principles which they do not see, and are therefore not prepared to deal with. But when the light of wisdom is introduced into the darkened understanding, confusion vanishes, difficulties are dissolved, all things are seen in their true place and proportion, and henceforth the man walks open-eyed and unhurt, in the clear light of wise comprehension. - Summary by James Allen (2 hr 32 min)


Foreward 3:03 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 1: The Light That Leads to Perfect Peace 5:13 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 2: Light on Facts and Hypotheses 15:21 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 3: Light on Cause and Effect in Human Life 6:40 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 4: Light on Values—Spiritual and Material 8:20 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 5: Light on the Sense of Proportion 5:57 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 6: Light on Adherence to Principle 6:46 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 7: Light on the Sacrifice of the Self 4:19 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 8: Light on the Management of the Mind 5:47 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 9: Light on Self-Control 5:37 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 10: Light on Acts and Their Consequences 3:55 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 11: Light on the Way of Wisdom 4:45 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 12: Light on Disposition 3:02 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 13: Light on Individual Liberty 7:36 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 14: Light on the Blessing and Dignity of Work 4:47 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 15: Light on Good Manners and Refinement 8:08 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 16: Light on Diversities of Creeds 13:14 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 17: Light on Law and Miracle 5:01 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 18: Light on War and Peace 3:11 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 19: Light on the Brotherhood of Man 4:04 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 20: Light on Life’s Sorrows 7:00 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 21: Light on Life’s Changes 7:47 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 22: Light on the Truth of Transitoriness 7:03 Read by Audio Andrea
Chapter 23: The Light That Never Goes Out 5:27 Read by Audio Andrea


this is a great work learn to practice selflessness

(5 stars)

All my life I have been look the repair my life, I never realized at getting ones thoughts in order would bring about real change. I always thought that I needed to focus in why I feel the way I feel. Little did I know that it was the mental frame work of my mind that was causing most of my problems. This book really helped me put into perspective what kinds of things cause mental problems, it shows what kind of things to avoid and how to hold a good mental attutide though right thought and action.

The best book I have come across

(5 stars)

James Allen's masterpiece. Very instructive and full of wisdom. Irrefutable knowledge. One of a kind. Incredible work of art. The epitome of Truth. Like no other book. I recommend to everyone irrespective of religion or Creed. Every school of philosophy should use it as a study guide. Full of liberation. One for the ages. Golden standard doctrine.


(5 stars)

Todays chaotic and dark world, especially the threat of this pandemic- we need light on this life's difficulties that we been through.... God bless us all.


(5 stars)

so glad she read so many of these. have often thought of reaching out to thank her

Lovely reading

(5 stars)

This reader has a humane and tender voice, indicative of a beautiful nature. I bless her.

Love this book!

(5 stars)

This book I really enjoyed. I found it meaningful and very comforting. Well done!

great book

(5 stars)

i loved the book, it touches so many aspects, and the reading is AMIZING.

Wonderful Books

(5 stars)

Andrea is a great reader and the texts are so inspiring.