Somehow Good

Read by Helen Taylor

(4.6 stars; 72 reviews)

A mysterious man arrives in London and, in a freak accident, gets electrocuted on an underground train and loses his memory. A young lady called Sally Nightingale feels responsible, and brings him home to her mother. But in a strange twist of fate it transpires that her mother is the man's ex wife, whom he left twenty years earlier in unhappy circumstances. The old attraction is there, but what will happen if and when his memory returns? A highly melodramatic plot, but with a deft comic touch, a host of vibrant characters, and a large dash of romance.

De Morgan is best known as a designer. One of the pioneers of the arts and crafts movement, he was a lifelong friend of William Morris and designed tiles and ceramics for Morris & Co for many years. But during his lifetime he also found considerable success as a writer. Over a century later his novels provide the reader with a picture - as intricately designed and lavishly colourful as his ceramics - of an England which, in a few short years after their publication, was to be changed forever by the First World War. With a style that at times is reminiscent of Thackeray or Dickens, De Morgan is a writer with a distinctive voice, wry wit, and - if 'Somehow Good' is any indicator - a truly sentimental heart. (Summary by Helen Taylor) (21 hr 57 min)


Chapter I 20:30 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter II 12:49 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter III 44:26 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter IV 20:54 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter V 20:11 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter VI 15:49 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter VII 18:51 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter VIII 32:08 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter IX 29:49 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter X 24:19 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XI 18:26 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XII 42:35 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XIII 18:35 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XIV 28:30 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XV 36:37 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XVI 28:12 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XVII 18:54 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XVIII 11:29 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XIX 29:05 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XX 33:25 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXI 44:29 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXII 19:38 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXIII 34:58 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXIV 54:12 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXV 40:55 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXVI 23:38 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXVII 29:23 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXVIII 18:10 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXIX 13:49 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXX 28:11 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXI 17:38 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXII 21:14 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXIII 24:50 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXIV 32:02 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXV 15:39 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXVI 39:28 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXVII 35:47 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXVIII 39:40 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XXXIX 22:09 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XL 34:19 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLI 44:05 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLII 20:19 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLIII 35:50 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLIV 25:56 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLV 17:12 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLVI 53:16 Read by Helen Taylor
Chapter XLVII 25:06 Read by Helen Taylor


A quick response

(0 stars)

Hi - I'm the reader. I just wanted to respond briefly to apologise for the poor quality in the first 14 chapters - it was my first ever audio recording, and I was using my laptop mic: I subsequently invested in a microphone, which is why the quality changed! I know it doesn't sound great, so I'm sorry if it spoils it for anyone. To be honest I'm astonished that my efforts have found an audience, and touched that people have taken the time to review it. Thankyou for your kind comments. Helen

Can I just review the reader and skip the book?

(5 stars)

The reader of this book is magnificent. Her cadence and voices are excellent. I did notice the change in recording quality, but it was such a small thing to me, so enthralling was the reader, that I really didn't care about it. Now, ahem, to the book itself. The story is good, not great, but good. It is a sweet love story about love lost, and then regained. I almost cried, so sweet is the story in places. Nothing is ever quite perfect tho, and the author tends to be wordy and ponderous in places, so much so that it becomes distracting. I got a bit impatient with it in places. I am glad I didn't give up tho because again, I can't say enough about the reader, she is excellent. One other bit I'd like to mention... If a person has a negative opinion about things and posts a negative review, they are as entitled to their opinion as anyone else. Post your own and balance it out. Nothing annoys me more than the 'give A's to everyone' mentality. I'd rather hear that there's an issue with something and choose to overlook it, than to hear it's perfect and find out it is actually crap.

Good book but even better reader

(5 stars)

I enjoyed this book although the author's intrusions into the narrative were too frequent. However the minor annoyance of that was completely overshadowed by the absolute excellence of the reader. I hope she does many more books! She's a real pleasure to listen to!

Meanness of spirit

(5 stars)

If the ungenerous person replying to my remarks had listened farther into the book, he would have noticed that the slight issue with noise-cleaning resolved itself at Chapter 14 (of 47). Thereafter the quality is equal to any found on LibriVox. Since I did not actually comment on technical quality, but rather the talent of the reader, I do not think I offended against either “truth” or “convenience”. (His invoking of Luther’s historic proclamation in such a petty context makes one doubt Mr Nordpol’s sense of proportion, amongst other things.) Be grateful for the “torrent”, sir. It’s there for everyone - however little they seem to deserv e it. (Original review - "Highly accomplished reader") I had previously encountered William de Morgan through a radio serialisation of his picaresque novel "Joseph Vance"; so was attracted to try this reading by Helen Taylor. What an excellent performance she gives. Her very pleasing voice is reminiscent of the great Librivoxian Cori Samuel. The novel itself is a lively and entertaining - and satisfyingly long - listen. Strongly recommended.

great Book and Reader

(5 stars)

people complain that the author was too verbose, but remember Victorian era literature was NOT Twitter! it was a pleasure to spend such time with the characters. Books were an investment and one wanted one's money's worth. this book may have entertained a family for weeks (or months of stolen moments by a young girl!) but I have the added blessing of (a) reading it for free, and (b) enjoying the voice of Helen Taylor. Brava, Ms. Taylor, one again!

A good read

(5 stars)

Sensitively and dramatically read. A good story. Listened twice (back to back)! Very enjoyable.

Fabulous! Greatest reader and fun story!

(5 stars)

Hated for story to end!

Echo others' reviews

(4 stars)

What everyone else said. :) Helen is an excellent reader. I did notice the noise in the first several chapters (importing them into Audacity and running a Notch Filter took care of the worst whistle/tone), and there were some plosives in chapter 45 or 46. But those get a great big pass since Helen's reading is so wonderful. The story was quite enjoyable, but I concur that the author is very verbose - tediously so. The story could have been told in 2/3 of the space without missing out on anything. It reminded me of Victor Hugo - wasn't he the author paid by the page or the word, so his novels were notoriously long? I loved the character of Sally - incorrigible, indeed, with her not-so-flattering nicknames for people. "Weeeeelllll, what of it?" :D Thank you for the treat, Helen!